External Email - Use CautionDear experts, mri_gtmpvc --i pet.nii.gz --reg template.reg.lta --psf FWHM --seg gtmseg.mgz --default-seg-merge --auto-mask 1 .01 --mgx .01 --o gtmpvc.output About this command, is there the possibility for PETsurfer to compute the fwhm of the psf of the
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There is a new public MRI dataset available: The dataset contains 557 MRI
images of the brain of a single healthy male volunteer:
. scans were acquired on 116 different MRI machines
. For some scanners, the volunteer was scanned in several imaging sessi
When you run selxavg3-sess, add the -svres flag. This will save the
residuals (ie, the time series without the nuisance variables)
On 11/24/2022 4:16 PM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:
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Hi list,
I would extract the rs-fMRI time-series from spitted components
You don't need a different template for the surface-based analysis. I'm
not sure about the volume-based analysis. I'm cc'ing Lilla in case she
wants to weigh in.
On 11/24/2022 11:53 AM, Olivier Brown wrote:
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am using a pediatric
How old is your pediatric subject? Collaborators have had success using the
standard pipeline from about 4.5yrs of age. You do not need a new / different
template in case you want to process that population. You might however want to
read about some child-specific manual edit recommendations:
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Hi profesor Greve,
I believe I have located the problem, as you will see in the code below it
seems one of the groups (FemalePDMCI) has only 7 subjects and (MALEPDMCI) has
13 which means the regression won't have enough DOF. They amount of DOF needed
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I decided to eliminate de Female vs Male distintion leaving only three groups
and the program is giving the same error. I don't know what is happening
because I did the analysis without differianciating any groups and it works. So
I imagine the