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Hi Falk,
Thank you for your response. I see, that makes sense. I'll use one of those
options to make sure my processed data goes into the correct folder from now on.
One more follow up question - I located my processed data in the default
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I would like to use the VM with FreeSurfer. Could you send me the passcode?
Freesurfer mailing list
Can you clarify what you mean by margin of error? What are you looking for?
On 5/5/2022 6:10 PM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:
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Hi all,
What is a reasonable estimate of the error margin in the total brain
volume estimates of Freesurfer?
Is there a refere
On 5/5/2022 9:53 PM, krystaly wrote:
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am new to FS 7.2.0 (Window 10), and trying to run the Recon-all
command as demonstrated on the website (*MailScanner has detected a
possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claimi
The ASL has a different vox2ras transform.
How did you register the ASL to the anatoical?
How did you convert the ASL to the anatomical space?
On 5/6/2022 4:47 PM, Zeng, Victor (BIDMC - Keshavan - Psychiatry) wrote:
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/The output for the orig.mgz is: /
try this
mri_vol2vol --targ T1w_MNI.nii.gz --interp nearest --mov
ICBM152_2009c_AtlasWhite.nii.gz --o WhiteAtlas_resampled.nii.gz
On 5/9/2022 11:58 AM, James Hengenius wrote:
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Hello FS experts,
I'm trying to reslice a third-party atlas into the same r
First, can you send the full command line and terminal output?
Second, what are you trying to do? Are you running this outside of
recon-all? If so, why?
On 5/11/2022 5:55 PM, Zoe O'Brien-Moran wrote:
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Hello FreeSurfer developers,
I am attempting to run t
You do not need to rerun; it would generate the same result.
On 5/12/2022 12:50 PM, Joanna L Eckhardt wrote:
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Hi Falk,
Thank you for your response. I see, that makes sense. I'll use one of
those options to make sure my processed data goes into the correct
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This was part of an independent ASL pipeline called ExploreASL.
I do not know 100% the details, but in short the orig.mgz was converted to a
.nii through mri_convert for CAT12 and was registered to some native space, the
deformation field was saved i
I don't know. You describe a lot of steps which were hard to follow.
Without digging into it, I would have a hard time recommending anything.
You can always just register your ASL directly to the anatomical
(bbregister) and resamploe
On 5/12/2022 4:18 PM, Zeng, Victor (BIDMC - Keshavan - Psych
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Hi Douglas,
Thanks for the suggestion! However, using mri_vol2vol generates the error
If I set SUBJECTS_DIR to the study directory, I get the following error:
movvol ICBM152_2009c_AtlasWhite.nii.gz
> targvo
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Hi Dr. Greve,
I got this when I ran the line you sent.
Hans-iMac-Pro:CCn_band fanzhang$ mri_info
Volume information for lh.CCn_band.Seed1_20220314.V1.13subjs.mgh
type: MGH
Sorry, one more thing. Add --regheader to the command lien
On 5/12/2022 5:12 PM, James Hengenius wrote:
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Hi Douglas,
Thanks for the suggestion! However, using mri_vol2vol generates the
error message:
That mgh file has nothing in it (all dimensions 0). How did you create it?
On 5/12/2022 5:20 PM, Zhang, Fan wrote:
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Hi Dr. Greve,
I got this when I ran the line you sent.
Hans-iMac-Pro:CCn_band fanzhang$ mri_info
It looks like you stopped the job and restarted it. Is that correct? If
so, I think something might have gotten out of sync. If you did not make
any edits (eg, to correct the defects), then can you start it from scratch?
On 5/12/2022 4:29 PM, Margot Wagner wrote:
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Great, thank you for the confirmation!
All my best,
Joanna Eckhardt
Neurosciences Graduate Program
University of California, San Diego
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
on behalf of Douglas
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