Are you trying to create a volume-based binary mask or a surface-based
mask? From the commands below, it looks like surface (but why would you
need it to be in nii?). In the surface case, you can just
mri_binarize --i ocn.mgh --match clusterno --o clusterno.mask.nii
where "ocn" is the ocn file c
On 3/17/2022 4:41 PM, wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi list,
a) I have two maps, one's of rs-fMRI functional connectivity (by
FS-FAST) and one's of receptor density (from a PET-Atlas). Both the
maps are in surface space. How can I measure the vertexwise
What version of FS are you running?
On 3/20/2022 8:47 PM, Billah, Tashrif wrote:
It does not exist and cannot be created in a shared cluster. Is there
a way to define a different folder for
Douglas N. Greve Wed, 09 Mar 2022 10:04:31
Does /Volumes/RestingState/fMRI/fMRI/Freesurfer/S0010_FS/surf/lh.white
exist and do you have permission to read it? If yes to both, then try
running it with --debug as the first option, then send all the terminal
On 3/21/2022 5:02 PM, Isabelle Deschamps wrote:
External Email
please send the command line, log file, version of FS, etc
On 3/22/2022 11:59 AM, Zoe O'Brien-Moran wrote:
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Dear FS Experts
I am having continued issues with the mri_normalize function on MPRAGE
I get an error message:
3d normalization pass 1 of 2
Check the talairach registration (talairch.xfm). It must be badly messed up
On 3/23/2022 4:47 AM, lqcheng2017 wrote:
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Dear experts,
I extracted the eTIV using the mri_segstats, but it showed negative
value. How could I solve this problem?
Thank you very
Sorry, we are not supporting qdec anymore. You will need to use the
command-line stream
On 3/23/2022 8:02 AM, David wrote:
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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I have a problem. Can you help me
freesurfer version : 6.0.0
Load qdec when I run qdec.table.dat, the
Probably the easiest thing to do since you have only two time points is
to compute the difference between the two, then just do a simple group
analysis where you include the covariates that you want.
On 3/23/2022 10:00 AM, Agurne Sampedro Calvete wrote:
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You're command line is incomplete (it needs more than just --s). Run it
with --help and/or visit the wiki page
On 3/23/2022 2:40 PM, Alice Tao wrote:
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Thank you so much for the response! Unfortunately, that is the full
command line and output:
$ mri_segm
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying or what the problem is.
Can you provide the actual command line you are using, all the terminal
output, and a picture that shows what the problem is?
On 3/23/2022 2:46 PM, Manenti, Giorgio wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Frees
On 3/24/2022 2:53 AM, Dongyue Zhou wrote:
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Dear FreeSurfer experts:
I want to calculate mean pial surface area in DKatlas in individual
space.And I know the function read_annotation.m in $FREESURFER_HOME/matlab for
loading this atlas.
And if I ca
it does not suprise me that 2014 is not working as that is pretty old.
I've been using 2018 and that seems to work.
On 3/24/2022 9:31 AM, Zeng, Victor (BIDMC - Keshavan - Psychiatry) wrote:
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It is seemingly working in matlab R2021b rather than matlab R2014a
On 3/24/2022 4:49 PM, Muhammed Görünen wrote:
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I run recon-all process for a subject's T1 data. At the end, the pial
files are 0Kb and I cannot open them from python.
Did it end with an error? Did you run out of space? What version of FS?
Can you sen
This is actually a bug in version 7.[012]. This area is probably not
valid anyway. We'll have a fix in 7.3
On 3/21/2022 7:31 PM, Gabor Perlaki wrote:
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Dear all,
fswiki suggests that " There are regions where the surfaces are not
intended to be accurate th
Hi, sorry for the late response. No, there is nothing else you have to
do. Using perm is a really good idea with volume and area, so glad to
hear that is what you are doing.
On 3/10/2022 8:21 AM, Laura Willers de Souza wrote:
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Of course!
To do
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Dear Free Surfer expert,
Would you please send me the pass code for opening the archive of FS 7.2.0?
Thanks for your attention!
Yours sincerely,
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