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Dear Kersten,
Thank you for your answer, I have some follow-up questions to the
first two points before I can move on.
1) Regarding family-relation, since three random effects may not work,
did you mean that a simpler model with 2 random effects (inte
Hi all,
Usually when I want to map volume data to the fsaverage surface, I use
mri_vol2surf with a registration that transforms the volume into the space of
the subject's orig.mgz and with --trgsubject set to 'fsaverage'. Currently, I
have some volumes that have already been transformed to the
Hi Randy,
"seg.mgz" is the "hard segmentation", with lesion labeled as 99.
You have all the volumes in "samseg.stats".
If you want segmentation maps (values between 0 and 1), you should add the flag
--save-posteriors to run_samseg. They will be saved in the samseg output
directory under the "
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Research Assistant Position Available at the Ohio State University Department
of Psychology. Looking for someone with prior experience in MRI. Familiar with
structural preprocessing and/or other modalities. Comfortable with coding. More
details below
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I’d like to load in a custom color map to be used in color percentile-scaled
functional images into FreeView (version 3.0; Build Aug 11, 2020). I can’t
seem to find a reference for defining and loading a custom color map. I have
done this for