[Freesurfer] Linear mixed model for longitudinal data

2022-03-11 Thread Julian Macoveanu
External Email - Use Caution Dear Kersten, Thank you for your answer, I have some follow-up questions to the first two points before I can move on. 1) Regarding family-relation, since three random effects may not work, did you mean that a simpler model with 2 random effects (inte

[Freesurfer] Using vol2surf to fsaverage.

2022-03-11 Thread Jacoby, John
Hi all, Usually when I want to map volume data to the fsaverage surface, I use mri_vol2surf with a registration that transforms the volume into the space of the subject's orig.mgz and with --trgsubject set to 'fsaverage'. Currently, I have some volumes that have already been transformed to the

Re: [Freesurfer] SAMSEG Lesion images not written

2022-03-11 Thread Cerri, Stefano
Hi Randy, "seg.mgz" is the "hard segmentation", with lesion labeled as 99. You have all the volumes in "samseg.stats". If you want segmentation maps (values between 0 and 1), you should add the flag --save-posteriors to run_samseg. They will be saved in the samseg output directory under the "

[Freesurfer] Research Assistant Position Available at the Ohio State University Department of Psychology (MINDSET Lab)

2022-03-11 Thread Shell, Abby
External Email - Use Caution Research Assistant Position Available at the Ohio State University Department of Psychology. Looking for someone with prior experience in MRI. Familiar with structural preprocessing and/or other modalities. Comfortable with coding. More details below

[Freesurfer] Custom Freeview Color Map (not Lookup Table)

2022-03-11 Thread Keator, David (Psychiatry & Human Behavior)
External Email - Use Caution Hi, I’d like to load in a custom color map to be used in color percentile-scaled functional images into FreeView (version 3.0; Build Aug 11, 2020). I can’t seem to find a reference for defining and loading a custom color map. I have done this for