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Dear Shawn,
I can't fully answer your question, but maybe as a start:
I think the idea behind the suggestion to run recon-all on the template is that
this would allow you to map the results of the FreeSurfer thickness analysis
(which are in by defau
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The Connectomics of Anxiety and Depression (CAD) Lab at the University of
Delaware is hiring a full time postbac research assistant. The individual
will contribute to an ongoing NIMH-funded R01 grant examining longitudinal
change in brain networks that
1. Volumes are typically correlated with TIV and so if you don’t care about
TIV itself you probably want to include it as a nuisance variable (both
cortical and subcortical)
2. Thickness does not show this correlation and typically does not need to
be correlated. Surface area does,
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Dr. Jeffrey Spielberg is accepting applications for a *Postdoctoral
Researcher position* in the *Connectomics of Anxiety and Depression* Lab at
the University of Delaware. The researcher will contribute to an ongoing
NIMH-funded R01 grant examining long
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The Motor Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Laboratory in the Department of
Kinesiology and Applied Physiology at the University of Delaware (
Postdoctoral Positions in Clinical and Contemplative Neuroscience
at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Postdoctoral positions are available under the mentorship of Dr. Matthew D.
Sacchet within the Meditation Research Group of the Center for
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Dear freesurfer community,
when trying to obtain lobe labels for fsaverage_sym, mri_annotation2label
segfaults - see terminal output below. It works smoothly for fsaverage and any
other subjects. Is there any workaround?
>mri_annotation2label --subj
Thanks! But can you please share the full log, please? I’d like to see what
happens before the error ;-)
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Senior research fellow
On Nov 22, 2021, at 00:15, Lab of Autism and Developmental Neuros
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Hi Experts,
My tracula completed with no error. So I was trying to view the fa.nii with
the following command:
freeview -v mri/brain.mgz mri/orig.mgz
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Sorry for the trouble, I seemed to find the registration matrix located in
xfms/anatorig2diff.bbr.dat. Is that one correct?
On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:36 PM Zeng, Qi wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> My tracula completed with no error. So I wa
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If I want to freeview fully segmented grey matter, white matter, and
Tracula outputs, are the following commands correct to the request?
# to visualize the segmented cortical outputs
freeview -v mri/aparc+aseg.mgz
Question: why is one hemisphere b
Ah yes, I did say that this would be feasible in 7.2, before 7.2 came out ??
One more bug fix, in the same place (and then in the dev version):
>From now on the dTE from the config file will supersede the one from t
See "viewing volumes with freeview" in the tutorial:
When you view the aseg, aparc+aseg, or any other FreeSurfer segmentation
volume, make sure that the colormap is not grayscale but "look-up table".
You can get the AD and
I'd like to convert *trk files that are in mni space to nifti files using
The *trk files are here:
Attempts so far (that have failed) are:
dmri_trk2trk --in TRACK_FILE.display.trk --outvol TRACK_FILE.display.
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Hi Anastasia,
I tried to visualize the RD.nii with the following steps, however, it
doesn't represent well as fa.nii does. (attached below).
1) RD = (L2+L3)/2: fslmaths dtifit_L2.nii -add dtifit_L3 -div 2
2) mri_vol2vol --mov dmri/lowb.
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