Re: [Freesurfer] [WARNING: ATTACHMENT UNSCANNED]Using a Different Atlas for Anatomical ROI Analysis

2021-11-22 Thread Tim Schäfer
External Email - Use Caution Dear Shawn, I can't fully answer your question, but maybe as a start: I think the idea behind the suggestion to run recon-all on the template is that this would allow you to map the results of the FreeSurfer thickness analysis (which are in by defau

[Freesurfer] Full-time postbac position

2021-11-22 Thread Jeffrey Spielberg
External Email - Use Caution The Connectomics of Anxiety and Depression (CAD) Lab at the University of Delaware is hiring a full time postbac research assistant. The individual will contribute to an ongoing NIMH-funded R01 grant examining longitudinal change in brain networks that

Re: [Freesurfer] Requesting to clarify doubts on data analysis

2021-11-22 Thread Fischl, Bruce
Hi KC 1. Volumes are typically correlated with TIV and so if you don’t care about TIV itself you probably want to include it as a nuisance variable (both cortical and subcortical) 2. Thickness does not show this correlation and typically does not need to be correlated. Surface area does,

[Freesurfer] Postdoctoral position in Developmental/Affective/Clinical Neuroscience

2021-11-22 Thread Jeffrey Spielberg
External Email - Use Caution Dr. Jeffrey Spielberg is accepting applications for a *Postdoctoral Researcher position* in the *Connectomics of Anxiety and Depression* Lab at the University of Delaware. The researcher will contribute to an ongoing NIMH-funded R01 grant examining long

[Freesurfer] PhD Position Available @ University of Delaware: Movement Disorders/Parkinson's Disease Research

2021-11-22 Thread Roxana Burciu
External Email - Use Caution The Motor Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Laboratory in the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology at the University of Delaware (

[Freesurfer] Postdoctoral Positions in Clinical and Contemplative Neuroscience at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School

2021-11-22 Thread Margiotta, Kathryn Nicole
[cid:ffcafe71-529c-423a-8564-7c00e4b3ff4d] Postdoctoral Positions in Clinical and Contemplative Neuroscience at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School Postdoctoral positions are available under the mentorship of Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet within the Meditation Research Group of the Center for

[Freesurfer] fsaverage_sym lobes parcellation mri_annotation2label

2021-11-22 Thread Dr. Cornelius Kronlage
External Email - Use Caution Dear freesurfer community, when trying to obtain lobe labels for fsaverage_sym, mri_annotation2label segfaults - see terminal output below. It works smoothly for fsaverage and any other subjects. Is there any workaround? >mri_annotation2label --subj

Re: [Freesurfer] Pipeline errors - matlab

2021-11-22 Thread Iglesias Gonzalez, Juan E.
Thanks! But can you please share the full log, please? I’d like to see what happens before the error ;-) Cheers, /Eugenio Juan Eugenio Iglesias Senior research fellow CMIC (UCL), MGH (HMS) and CSAIL (MIT) On Nov 22, 2021, at 00:15, Lab of Autism and Developmental Neuros

[Freesurfer] register.dat

2021-11-22 Thread Zeng, Qi
External Email - Use Caution Hi Experts, My tracula completed with no error. So I was trying to view the fa.nii with the following command: freeview -v mri/brain.mgz mri/orig.mgz mri/wmparc.mgz:colormap=lut:opacity=0.2 dmri/dtifit_FA.nii:reg=touch/rusage.mri_ca_register.dat:color

Re: [Freesurfer] register.dat

2021-11-22 Thread Zeng, Qi
External Email - Use Caution Sorry for the trouble, I seemed to find the registration matrix located in xfms/anatorig2diff.bbr.dat. Is that one correct? Best, Jackie On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:36 PM Zeng, Qi wrote: > Hi Experts, > > My tracula completed with no error. So I wa

[Freesurfer] Freeview grey matter, white matter and Tracula outputs

2021-11-22 Thread Zeng, Qi
External Email - Use Caution Hi, If I want to freeview fully segmented grey matter, white matter, and Tracula outputs, are the following commands correct to the request? # to visualize the segmented cortical outputs freeview -v mri/aparc+aseg.mgz Question: why is one hemisphere b

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA error wrt to dwi_orig_las.1.bvals file

2021-11-22 Thread Yendiki, Anastasia
Ah yes, I did say that this would be feasible in 7.2, before 7.2 came out ?? One more bug fix, in the same place (and then in the dev version): >From now on the dTE from the config file will supersede the one from t

Re: [Freesurfer] Freeview grey matter, white matter and Tracula outputs

2021-11-22 Thread Yendiki, Anastasia
See "viewing volumes with freeview" in the tutorial: When you view the aseg, aparc+aseg, or any other FreeSurfer segmentation volume, make sure that the colormap is not grayscale but "look-up table". You can get the AD and

[Freesurfer] Converting .trk files in mini space to nifti using dorm_trk2trk

2021-11-22 Thread Schaechter, Judith D.
Hi, I'd like to convert *trk files that are in mni space to nifti files using dmri_trk2trk. The *trk files are here: /autofs/vast/freesurfer/centos7_x86_64/7.2.0-beta/trctrain/hcp/mni Attempts so far (that have failed) are: dmri_trk2trk --in TRACK_FILE.display.trk --outvol TRACK_FILE.display.

Re: [Freesurfer] Freeview grey matter, white matter and Tracula outputs

2021-11-22 Thread Zeng, Qi
External Email - Use Caution Hi Anastasia, I tried to visualize the RD.nii with the following steps, however, it doesn't represent well as fa.nii does. (attached below). 1) RD = (L2+L3)/2: fslmaths dtifit_L2.nii -add dtifit_L3 -div 2 dtifit_RD.nii 2) mri_vol2vol --mov dmri/lowb.