See "viewing volumes with freeview" in the tutorial:
When you view the aseg, aparc+aseg, or any other FreeSurfer segmentation volume, make sure that the colormap is not grayscale but "look-up table". You can get the AD and RD from the other outputs: AD = L1 RD = (L2+L3)/2 ________________________________ From: <> on behalf of Zeng, Qi <> Sent: Monday, November 22, 2021 5:24 PM To: Freesurfer support list <> Subject: [Freesurfer] Freeview grey matter, white matter and Tracula outputs External Email - Use Caution Hi, If I want to freeview fully segmented grey matter, white matter, and Tracula outputs, are the following commands correct to the request? # to visualize the segmented cortical outputs freeview -v mri/aparc+aseg.mgz Question: why is one hemisphere brighter than the other? How can I adjust so that they are equally bright? # to visualize the segmented subcortical outputs freeview -v mri/aseg.mgz Question: why is only one hemisphere showing and how to add the other one? $ to visualize AD. RD, FA and color-coded each freeview -v dmri/dtifit_FA.nii Question: I cannot find the nifti outputs of AD and RD (however, the stats generated). where can I find it? Is there an example of how to color-code them for freeview? Thank you! Best, Jackie
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