[Freesurfer] Magnetization Transfer Images and recon-all

2021-10-29 Thread Marlene Tahedl
External Email - Use Caution Hi! I have a couple of Magnetization Transfer MR images from a group of patients which I would like to analyze using the FreeSurfer pipeline. However, when applying "recon-all" to those images, the algorithm stops after just a few minutes. Although

[Freesurfer] Total volumes SAMSEG

2021-10-29 Thread Nederpelt, D.R. van (David)
External Email - Use Caution Dear SAMSEG developers, Is there an easy way/specific function to compute the total volumes (GM, WM and Total Brain) after the cross sectional processing pipeline has been run? I currently add the volumes specified here: MorphometryStats - Free Surfer

Re: [Freesurfer] Inflated surfaces on FS7 looking different

2021-10-29 Thread DIANA ORTEGA CRUZ
External Email - Use Caution Hi Douglas, thank for you reply. I have a windows 10 pc and I'm using the ubuntu app (version 18.04.5) to run FreeSurfer 7.1.1. I am using Xming as a visual platform to open freeview. Maybe it could be a windows-specific problem? Best, Diana.

Re: [Freesurfer] Inflated surfaces on FS7 looking different

2021-10-29 Thread Wang, Ruopeng
From the screenshot it looks like a remote display issue. Maybe you can try a different X client, such as MobaXterm (https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net) ? Ruopeng On Oct 29, 2021, at 5:54 AM, DIANA ORTEGA CRUZ <100315...@alumnos.uc3m.es> wrote: External Em

[Freesurfer] results visualization

2021-10-29 Thread Marina Fernández
External Email - Use Caution Dear experts, Do you know what are the steps to follow to visualize a surface-map of freesurfer results in Caret? Thank you very much in advance. Best regards, Marina ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@n

[Freesurfer] developer password

2021-10-29 Thread Eli Bulger
External Email - Use Caution Hello, I am hoping to use Freesurfer on Windows 10. I have tried to use VirtualBox, but it requires a developer password. I have seen many emails on this mailing list where the password is provided through email. Is it possible to have a copy sent t

Re: [Freesurfer] developer password

2021-10-29 Thread fsbuild
External Email - Use Caution Sure - sending password and upgrade instructions to your private email shortly. - R. On Oct 29, 2021, at 13:55, Eli Bulger wrote:External Email - Use CautionHello,I am hoping to use Freesurfer on Windows 10. I hav

Re: [Freesurfer] Registering DTI fiber tracts (from MRtrix3) to FreeSurfer registered surfaces.

2021-10-29 Thread Mora, Jocelyn S.
Hi Reshma, Yes, you would use the FreeSurfer Longitudinal pipeline to process the two structural timepoints for your subject. Try running dt_recon on your DTI data. For more information on the dt_recon command and diffusion analysis in Freesurfer please refer to these sites: dt_recon

Re: [Freesurfer] results visualization

2021-10-29 Thread Mora, Jocelyn S.
Hi Marina, You may want to try mris_convert or mri_surf2surf to convert the surfaces to a readable file in Caret. For more information on either of these, please refer to the link f

[Freesurfer] adding covariates to a longitudinal glmfit model

2021-10-29 Thread Zeng, Qi
External Email - Use Caution Hi Experts, After completing long_mris_slopes to get the rate of change and then concatenating them into one.mgh file for group analysis (mris_preproc). I am finally getting to mris_glmfit. Got a couple of questions along the way. 1). if I conducted lo