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Is there a 4x4 transformation somewhere to convert mni coordinates to RAS T1
I.e. something comparable to the transforms provided by mri_info -tkrscanner
Thanks - Don
Freesurfer mailing li
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Dear freesurfer experts,
we installed the last version of freesurfer dev in a centos7 system (8th
january 2019) and the matlab runtime to run segmentHA_T1.sh. We could
obtain all the files without problems.
However, today we tried to open qdec typing q
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Good afternoon,
I'm new to Freesurfer; my background is resting-state fMRI using SPM. Years
back, left and right cortical thickness measures were calculated for our
sample of schizophrenia patients using the Desikan-Killiany atlas and were
input to an
Yea, the 5.3 stream used FSL brain masking to make the masks for the
fmri. Version 6 uses the FS brain mask transferred into fmri space.
Inevitably, you will have to do a lot of reprocessing. The simplest
thing to do is to delete the mask files in session/bold/masks and
sessoin/bold/RRR/masks (
There should already be two volumes (aparc+aseg.mgz and
aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz) which you can simply convert to nifti with
mri_convert file.mgz file.nii.gz
On 1/15/19 2:14 PM, Stephanie Hare wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Good afternoon,
> I'm new to Freesurfer; my backgro