External Email - Use Caution        

Good afternoon,

I'm new to Freesurfer; my background is resting-state fMRI using SPM. Years
back, left and right cortical thickness measures were calculated for our
sample of schizophrenia patients using the Desikan-Killiany atlas and were
input to an SPSS spreadsheet. In an exploratory analysis of the data, I
found that behavioral performance on a skills assessment was correlated
with thickness of lh_rostralmiddlefrontal and lh_parstriangularis regions.

I'd like to perform a follow-up resting-state fMRI analysis, using these
two surface-based parcellations ( lh_rostralmiddlefrontal and
lh_parstriangularis) as seed regions and use those behavioral performance
scores as a regressor.  Is there a simple way to convert these two
2D-surface-based atlas measurements to masks in nifti format in
3D-volumetric space? I was doing a quick google search and came across the
mri_label2vol command. Would this be helpful? Sorry for my naiveté. I
appreciate your time.


Stephanie Hare
Postdoctoral Fellow
Neuroimaging Research Program
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center
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