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Hi Fan,
Yes. It seems that the link to the SUIT atlas is outdated. However, we are
not the SUIT developers. You should consult the SUIT package (
http://www.diedrichsenlab.org/imaging/suit.htm) :)
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 1:48 PM dongnan
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Dear all,
In my research work, I am using Freesurfer for both grey and white
matter segmentation. However, I am restricted in the white matter
analysis since my studies and related to memory function and I am
mainly interested in the Fornix. I read in
External Email - Use Caution
Yes. I just want to use 7 of those variables as predictors and 2 as covariates
of no interest in a linear regression model
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
on behalf of Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
Sent: 08
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Doctor i opened annotation file by read_annotation.m, but then i looked your
page, firstly thanks for your work!
'vertex_key.m' file is worked but not exactly I wanted, get.Seg.Coords.m file
doesn't work and i think an example can be helpful. (for e
you have to make decisions about which interactions you want to model
On 11/9/18 8:43 AM, Worker, Amanda wrote:
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Yes. I just want to use 7 of those variables as predictors and 2 as covariates
of no interest in a linear regression model
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Our lab has been running a set of data from a pre/post-treatment study through
the FreeSurfer v6 pipeline. I was comparing the pre-treatment structural values
initially run through the cross-sectional pipeline with the same pre-treatment
For Destrieux atlas labels I think you may use Fig.1 and Tab.1 of the paper:
On 08/11/2018 19:25, Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández wrote:
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Thank you very much Giuseppe, it's costing me m
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I had time to play around with this, substituted the mri_mc command and
success! Thank you so much for resolving this issue. Is this something that
will be incorporated into the next release or will I have to remember to run
this comma