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I guess this: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/QATools
But it's outdated, I also gave it a try recently and tried to contact the
author without success. It worked for v5, but is not compatible with v6 output.
(If you search the list archive
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We are trying to run recon_all inside an fmriprep singularity container,
but are running into an issue with nu_correct. It says it cannot write to
disk, however there is plenty of space on the tmpdir and output dir. Does
this script try to write to any
Hi Chris
if you can find the peak vertex you can create a single vertex label from
it, then use mri_label2label --dilate N to create an approximation of an
N-radius circle
On Fri, 5 Oct 2018, Milde,
Christopher wrote:
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Dear FS ex
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Dear FS experts
I`m interested in extracting beta values from a FSFAST analysis performed in
the subject`s native space. The beta values shall be extracted from a circular
label around the peak vertex.
How can you define a circular label centered
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We are attempting to build Freesurfer 6 on CentOS 7 x76_64.
After cloning the git repo we see the following when running ./setup_configure
configure.in:3866: the top level
Makefile.am: error: required file './NEWS' not found
Makefile.am: error: requir
Not that I know of, but this is not a native FS script, it comes from the MNI,
so it could be doing something we don't understand. Can you do an experiment
for us? Can you run it outside of the container using reprozip (or something
equivalent) to see all the files it touches?
On 10/5/18 5:31 A
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Our radiology department recently installed a Siemens Vida system. It
apparently exports in "enhanced dicom” format, which doesn't work with any of
my software. Does anyone know anything about this format?
You’re attempting to build the dev version of freesurfer, in which case you
should follow the build instructions on this page -
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BuildGuide. If you’d like to build
freesurfer 6, you’ll have to checkout the "stable6" git branch before running
you can create a label with just that vertex, then use mri_label2label to
dilate it, then use mri_segstats specifying the label with --slabel, using beta
as input (--i), and specifying the output as --avfwf. Run it with --help to get
more info
On 10/5/18 11:10 AM, Milde, Christopher wrote:
Dear *,
we also run Freesurfer on a cluster and are starting to use singularity, so
naturally I'm curious about this issue.
I was able to reproduce the error with a clean singularity run (-c -e).
Then, I rebuilt a container to start nu_correct with "strace -f -e
open,write" and I believe I found
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I have a tone of FS people who have been run through Recon-all and I am
happy with the output but I would like to expand the existing labels to
include the Buckner 7 tight labels. Is this still the best way to update my
subject labels to include
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Hi Katherine,
Yes. This is still the best way if you have already run recon-all.
On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 8:21 AM Katherine Damme
> Hello,
> I have a tone of FS people who have been run through Recon-all and I am
> happy with
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