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I have processed the majority of my T1 images using the general recon-all
command. After reviewing segmentation, a number of images have the pial surface
included in the gray matter. I re-ran an image with the recon-all command
combining the
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Hello FreeSurfer users,
I am trying to run hippocampal subfield segmentation on our subjects on
FreeSurfer version 6.0. Unfortunately, I was not able to get very far. I got an
error relatively early:
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Hi Ryan,
This is weird! I am safely assuming that you sourced FreeSurfer, etc? What was
the command you ran?
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
ERC Senior Research Fellow
Translational Imaging Group
University College London
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Hello FreeSurfer users,
I am trying to run hippocampal subfield segmentation on our subjects on
FreeSurfer version 6.0. Unfortunately, I was not able to get very far. I got an
error relatively early:
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I would like to get CSF/GM/WM segmentations from aseg.mgz or in other words
from labeled brain. Can I do that with mri_compute_volume_fractions ? Also, I
am not sure about the parameters to supply,
and ?
Could Someone point me to some documen
Hi Dhivya
if you are doing it in the space of the anatomicals, then use
identity.nofile as the reg file (which is a special file name that will
internally create an identity matrix). The output stem is whatever you
pick - it will be prepended to the files that are written with the volume
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Thank you so much for your quick reply !
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
[freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Bruce Fischl
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2
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Sorry for bothering with more questions!
I am getting an error saying ,
mri_compute_volume_fractions: could not load registration file from
And my command is,
mri_compute_volume_fractions identity.nofile mri/aseg.mgz test
and if I
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Hi Douglas,
I applied a non-rigid registration to my nifti files using another software
(IRTK) and then tried to run dt_recon in Freesurfer. Dt_recon is failing
during Fitting Tensors and the error message it is displaying is "ERROR:
oh, this must be Doug's code, not mine. Try using --regheader instead
And also please send us the full command and all screen output from it in
the future.
Wed, 25 Apr 2018, Srinivasan, Dhivya wrote:
>External Email - Use Caution
> Sorry for bothering with more questio
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Thanks Bruce!
I even tried with --regheader
mri_compute_volume_fractions mri/aseg.mgz --o test --regheader identity.nofile
It gives me below error,
arg = 6
reading registration file mri/aseg.mgz
regio_read_register(): Success
Error reading inplaner
mri_compute_volume_fractions --o test --regheader
On Wed, 25 Apr 2018, Srinivasan, Dhivya wrote:
>External Email - Use Caution
> Thanks Bruce!
> I even tried with --regheader
> mri_compute_volume_fractions mri/aseg.mgz --o test --regheader identity.nofile
> It gives me below
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