[Freesurfer] RECON-ALL {Disarmed}

2018-03-09 Thread 郑凤莲
Hi experts, I am using FS 6.0 to calculate LGI. But when l ran recon-all, there is an error: couldn't find DWI parameters. I don't know how to resolve this problem. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks very much. Sincerely, Zheng | | 13181786167 邮箱:13181786...@163.com | 签名由 网易邮箱大师 定制___

[Freesurfer] mri_ca_normalize error: Abort (core dumped)

2018-03-09 Thread Marschall, T.M.
Dear all, I’m currently running the -reconall command on 40 subjects. One of them exited the mri_ca_normalize step with an error saying: Abort (core dumped) I tried rerunning it, however the error keeps occurring. So I have search the list, but could not find a solution to my problem. Does

Re: [Freesurfer] Mean Curvature

2018-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Kasper a) Yes, the sign of H is defined by the convention you choose for the surface normals. We choose outwards pointing normals, which implies that H is negative in convex regions (think of the sign of the coefficient on the quadratic term with the surface normal as the z axis) b) more

Re: [Freesurfer] Negative areas in mris_sphere, dark in freeview

2018-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Chris this probably means that the triangles aren't constructed according to our conventions. The ordering in faces is important as the cross-product of the legs of each triangle have to point outwards. That's how we define the surface normal vector field. Sounds like whatever software you

Re: [Freesurfer] RECON-ALL {Disarmed}

2018-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Zheng can you please include the full command you ran, the full screen output and the recon-all.log file? cheers Bruce On Fri, 9 Mar 2018, 郑凤莲 wrote: Hi experts, I am using FS 6.0 to calculate LGI. But when l ran recon-all, there is an error: couldn't find DWI parameters. I don't know

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_ca_normalize error: Abort (core dumped)

2018-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Theresa can you open the inputs to mri_ca_normalize in freeview ok? The nu.mgz for example? Please send us the recon-all.log so we can examine it. If all the inputs look fine, then upload your subject and we will have a look. cheers Bruce On Fri, 9 Mar 2018, Marschall, T.M. wrote: De

[Freesurfer] PhD position on electrophysiology and cognition in multiple sclerosis patients!

2018-03-09 Thread Muthuraman Muthuraman
*Doctoral Student* *Neuroscientist with focus on electrophysiology and cognition in multiple sclerosis * The *medical faculty of the University of Mainz*, Germany, invites applications for a *PhD Student * for a functional translational neuroscience (FTN) scholarship three year position to wor

Re: [Freesurfer] Eliminate variable which is the same for all patients from FreeSurfer's Design Matrix

2018-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Kai, please remember to post to the list. Your FSGD file is not quite right. Gender is a discrete variable and should be represented by two groups not as a covariate. If Sequence is discrete, then you need four groups (Gender by Sequence). doug On 3/9/18 3:20 AM, k.ohmst...@stud.uni-heidel

Re: [Freesurfer] mir_vol2surface registration file error

2018-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
You create it with bbregister. See the multimodal integration tutorial https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/MultiModal_freeview On 3/6/18 6:36 PM, srishti goel wrote: I am sorry but that is what I am unsure about it. I don't know how to obtain a registration matrix or which reg

Re: [Freesurfer] ASEG and APARCSTATS2TABLE on longitudinal data

2018-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/7/18 6:46 AM, Lisa Delalande wrote: Hi FreeSurfer experts, I would like to use the asegstats2table and the aparcstats2table commands on my longitudinal data, which have been processing following the longitudinal pipeline (recon-all -cross, - base and finally -long). And I have two ques

Re: [Freesurfer] -qcache error

2018-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
It was deleted but then it was created as a link. Does the link exist? On 3/7/18 1:33 PM, Krishna Patel wrote: Hi - I would like to do group analysis on freesurfer data that is processed with verson 6. However when I try to run recon-all -s subjid -qcache I get following error after it runs

Re: [Freesurfer] getting h/o atlas into individual surface (and then volume) space

2018-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Dorit, I would probably run recon-all on the mni152, then map the atlas onto the surface of the mni (mri_vol2surf with --regheader), then create an annotation of the atlas using mris_seg2annot (run with --help for examples), then use mris_apply_reg to transfer the annot to your individual su

Re: [Freesurfer] Reg Mapping automatic segmentations to functional space

2018-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
Did you check the registration? Is the fMRI whole brain? On 3/6/18 2:00 PM, Anita S wrote: Hello all, I have mapped a subject's fMRI Feat data onto the anatomical scan and then mapped the segmentations to the functional space using the following commands: reg-feat2anat --feat  feat_folder

Re: [Freesurfer] Running Linear Mixed Effects (LME) Model

2018-03-09 Thread Diers, Kersten /DZNE
Hi, the two rows in the contrast matrix cannot be identical - this is also not the case in the tutorial example, please take a look there. Actually, how does your current design matrix (X, not M) look like? A contrast vector (or matrix) needs to have as many entries (or columns) as there are colu

[Freesurfer] Can't open tkmedit

2018-03-09 Thread Levitas, Daniel
Hi, I tried opening tkmedit but received the following error: libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast X Error of failed request: GLXBadContext Major opcode of failed request: 149 (GLX) Minor opcode of failed request: 6 (X_GLXIsDi

Re: [Freesurfer] Eliminate variable which is the same for all patients from FreeSurfer's Design Matrix

2018-03-09 Thread k . ohmstedt
Hi Douglas, thanks for the advice. I have one more question: I want to find correlations of the lGI and the respective psychometric measurement, regressing out the effect of gender, sequence and the other covariates. I just had a look at the examples of FSGDs containing two factors with two

[Freesurfer] Potential ways to overlay perfusion ROIs onto cortical thickness maps

2018-03-09 Thread Arsenije Subotic
Dear experts, I am trying to figure out the best way to overlay areas of low CVR reactivity and correlate that with cortical thickness measurements in those given regions. I was able to overlay our CVR map onto an inflated cortical surface in 3D and modify the configuration to see areas of low

[Freesurfer] Recon-all {Disarmed}

2018-03-09 Thread 郑凤莲
Hi experts, I am using FS 6.0 for LGI. My data is fetal images. I ran "recon-all" pipeline for cotical thickness and LGI. Is it suitable? Or are the results reliable, such as the LGI value of precental? I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Zheng | | 郑凤莲 邮箱:zhengf

[Freesurfer] e-mail error {Disarmed}

2018-03-09 Thread 郑凤莲
Hi FS list, When I sent an e-mail to you, I always recieved a disarmed e-mail, as follows: What' wrong? Is there any way to resolve it? Sincerely, Zheng | | 13181786167 邮箱:13181786...@163.com | 签名由 网易邮箱大师 定制___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@n

[Freesurfer] Using .label file as mask in mri_fdr

2018-03-09 Thread Chen Jen-I.
Hello, I want to do a FDR correction using mri_fdr within a ROI mask (in .label format). I see the option of passing the sig.mgh volume through a mask, and I read that one can use the mask.mgh in the GLMFIT folder. What is this mask.mgh? I tried to visualize it in Freeview but it doesn’t look l