Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I am using the development version of FreeSurfer, both for Mac and Linux.
I have noticed that mris_decimate is not included in the package for Mac, but
it does exist for Linux. I would like to know what will happen with it? Will it
be included in the Mac package so
Dear experts
I'm using Qdec.
I want to check regions where age and thickness are correlated, and
regions where the thickness-age correlation differ between
genotype(Hetero or WT).
When I choose "genotype(Hetero or WT)" as Fixed factors and "age" as
Continuous variables, I can choice the result
So here’s the Wiki page for the human Allen brain data recons:
Right now there’s only the v5.3 recons, but the v6 recons are coming asap.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Melanie,
I don't understand what you mean. Could you tell me what I am going to do
to solve my problem?
At 2017-10-30 16:33:02, "Melanie Ganz" wrote:
So here’s the Wiki page for the human Allen brain data recons:
Dear Experts,
In the volume-based stream, if I'm right the FreeSurfer does two
registration with MNI305 ,one affine and one nonlinear , is it possible to
perform the nonlinear registration somewhere else and then use the result
in FreeSurfer and run the rest of the analysis ?
thank's alot for you
Hello Bruce,
I am still waiting on your response or Lilla's. Thank you.
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Bruce Fischl
> Hi Paul
> I was waiting for Lilla to respond :)
> Bruce
> On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, miracle ozzoude wrote:
> Hello Bruce,
>> I wasn't sure if you answer
Hi - It's hard to tell from the screenshot. Can you please send your entire log
file from scripts/trac-all.log? The error seems to be related to the gradient
table, so if you can also send that and the b-value table, that'd be great.
From: freesurfer
thanks Mel!
On Mon, 30 Oct 2017, Melanie Ganz wrote:
So here’s the Wiki page for the human Allen brain data recons:
Right now there’s only the v5.3 recons, but the v6 recons are coming asap.
Hi Nazanin
the nonlinear registration is actually to our segmentation atlas (*.gca).
I guess you could try using something else, but you should extract a mean
intensity image from the gca as a target, not the MNI305. You can do this
mri_convert -nth 0 .gca mean_gca.mgz
FYI, this:
Dear Zheng,
Sean had asked for help in performing FreeSurfer recons of the human data
from the Allan brain institute. We have already done this and QCed it,
hence I uploaded it to share with everyone. You can see the thread of our
previous discussion here:
Fantastic, thank you!
On 30 October 2017 at 10:03, Bruce Fischl
> thanks Mel!
> Bruce
> On Mon, 30 Oct 2017, Melanie Ganz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So here’s the Wiki page for the human Allen brain data recons:
>> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/AllenBrainAtlas
>> Right
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I would like to use "Qdec" tool to study the volume/cortical thickness
of one region (Perirhinal) belonging to the Brodmann areas. As I
understand Qdec load only the aparc and aseg stat lists. I am wondering
if we could realty to do that with "Qdec"? Any suggestion/advi
Hi Paula, thanks for pointing this out. It looks like there's an issue with the
libs required to build mris_decimate on the current mac build machine. I’ll
sort this out, but for now, you can just download and copy
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