Dear Experts,
I'm looking at differences in area between two groups of subjects in FreeSurfer
using qdec.
I've delineated an ROI based on a cluster that showed significant differences
in surface area between the two groups (taking gender into account, and with
age and ICV as nuisance covariates
Hi All,
I am trying to run recon-all on the Allen Brain Institute T1 images. It works
without any issue on all but one subject (H0351.1009).
I saw this post from a few years ago describing the exact problem I’m having,
but don’t see a solution. Has anyone figured out how to get this subject to
Dear FreeSurfer group,
I am running the univariate analysis to test if there is a change in thickness
between two groups over time. The dataset has a baseline and a follow-up scan
(i.e., two time points) and consist of about 40 patients and 40 controls.
I receive an an error which states "Algor
yes, all the surfaces used by mris_make_surface must share things like
ras2vox and such
cheers and happy thanksgiving
On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, Antonin Skoch wrote:
and do you require that also all volumes which are passed as arguments to
mris_make_surfaces must have identical vox2ras
Hi James
you need to send us the full command line that you ran and the entire
screen output.
On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, James Wilks wrote:
Hello,I’ve been having a problem with recon-all lately. I’m relatively new to
FreeSurfer and the processes that I have done in the past have been
Hi Alex
there are labels for the cerebellar wm and gm in the aseg.mgz
On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, Alexander Zent
> Hi,I have been trying to figure out how to extract and reconstruct the
> cerebellum and possible the pons and brain stem. I have already ran recon-all
> and extracte
Hi Mike
it's hard to say without looking at the data. if you upload the subject
dir we will take a look
On Thu, 24 Nov 2016, Michael Craig wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to run recon-all on the Allen Brain Institute T1 images. It works
without any issue on all but one subject (H0351.1009).
Dear Bruce,
I understand the requirement about surfaces. But what about the volumes passed
to mris_make_surfaces, do they have the same vox2ras as the surfaces?
Maybe it could be a good option to incorporate checks of this to
mris_make_surfaces binary to prevent possible problems caused by this