Thanks for the suggestion Bruce!
That totally solved the problem! Good to know that with the upcoming version
this is solved.
> On 30 Aug 2016, at 12:36, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Eelco
> we've made a bunch of improvements in the T2/FLAIR stream since 5.3 so you
> might check them
Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I still don't seem to be able to choose spc and rate etc from the dropdown menu
in QDEC. Is there an option to perform the longitudinal 2 stage model in the
command line instead of QDEC?
Thank you!
- Ursprüngliche Mail -
Von: "ckuehn"
An: "Freesurfer sup
Try long_mris_slopes
On 8/31/16 8:34 AM, Clara Kühn wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer experts,
> I still don't seem to be able to choose spc and rate etc from the dropdown
> menu in QDEC. Is there an option to perform the longitudinal 2 stage model in
> the command line instead of QDEC?
> Thank you!
if that is fsaverage, then mni and ras should be the same
On 8/30/16 9:37 PM, Dongnandi wrote:
Thanks a lot!
Just want to make sure that the “RAS”(FS cords?) and “MNI Talairach”
is the MNI305 coords.
Hi Doug,
I did that. I followed the tutorial and am now stuck at qdec where the .Qdecrc
file doesn't do the trick and I can't choose the spc or anyother measure that I
specified in that file. I opened qdec in the folder where I store the .Qdecrc
and table files.
Any other ideas?
Hi Marie:
I am trying to run the LGI algorithm on 32 brains. As shown in the
archives, I set the environment (on tcsh) and provided the MATLAB pathway.
[afrancis-mac:~] afrancis% setenv MATLABPATH
[afrancis-mac:~] afrancis% setenv PATH ${MATLABPATH}/bin:${PATH}
Dear FreeSurfers - If you're attending the Resting-State and Brain
Connectivity Conference in Vienna, you can now register for satellite
symposia, including one on diffusion MRI.
Hope to see you there!
We are pleased to inform you that registration for the six Satellite
Hi there - If you upload the tracula directories for me, I'm happy to try
to figure out what's going on. Although honestly at this point it's worth
waiting for the new version.
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016, Kang, XJ wrote:
I am trying to computer the changes of cortical parcellat
Thank you for your reply. I will wait for the new version, hopefully in
On 8/31/2016 1:54 PM, Anastasia Yendiki wrote:
Hi there - If you upload the tracula directories for me, I'm happy to
try to figure out what's going on. Although honestly at this point
it's worth waiting for the