Thanks for the suggestion Bruce!
That totally solved the problem! Good to know that with the upcoming version 
this is solved.


> On 30 Aug 2016, at 12:36, Bruce Fischl <> wrote:
> Hi Eelco
> we've made a bunch of improvements in the T2/FLAIR stream since 5.3 so you 
> might check them out. Unfortunately I don't think they  will be officially 
> supported in 6.0 as we just don't have the resources to include it in our 
> unit/system/regression test cycle.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 30 Aug 2016, Eelco van Duinkerken wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Sorry for spamming, as I have posted this message about 2 weeks ago, but
>> didn't receive an answer just yet.
>> I probably did something wrong :).
>> I've been preprocessing, in FS5.3, 3T GE data in controls, obese and
>> diabetes patients and adding the available flair to do the pial refinement
>> as follows:
>> recon-all -i t1 -s participant -all -FLAIR flair -FLAIRpial
>> This works excellent for most of the scans. Unfortunately, for some scans
>> adding the flair leads to some interesting refinements, either extending
>> outside of the brain.mgz or going deep into the white matter.
>> I didn't notice any misregistrations of the flair to the T1 scan when
>> checking the bb-registration. I have added some screenshots and the
>> recon-all.log files. The red lines represent the pial with the flair
>> refinement, and the blue lines the pial without the refinement. As you can
>> see, these interesting segmentations are not there when the flair is no
>> used.
>> Does anyone know what is going on?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Eelco
>> --
>> Eelco van Duinkerken, PhD
>> Pontifícia Universidade Católica | Department of Psychology | 
>> R. Marquês de São Vicente 225 | Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ | CEP 22451-900 |
>> Brasil |
>> E-mail: | Phone: +55-21-35271855 |
>> &
>> VU University Medical Center | Department of Medical Psychology | 
>> De Boelelaan 1117 | 1081 HV | Amsterdam | The Netherlands
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