Dear FreeSurfer users
I am not able to extract the Z-values as they are not present in my output:
z.mgh -- z-stat that corresponds to the significance
Are these Z-values always produced (or only in case of two group comparison)?
Is there a way to produce this map myself?
This is my output afte
If you mean the new subfield module, then the answer is: cubic mm.
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Translational Imaging Group
University College London
on behalf of
Hi Dr. Greve,
I used following command for this:
mkanalysis-sess -analysis
-surface fsaverage lh -fwhm 5 -notask -taskreg LH_XYZ.dat 1 -nuisreg
vcsf.dat 5 -nuisreg wm.dat 5 -mcextreg -polyfit 5 -nskip 4 -fsd bold
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Douglas N Greve
Hi all
I ran recon-all on data from about 60 participants pre and post an
intervention, with the hippocampal subfields flag
(e.g. "recon-all -all -subjid SPS01-1910_pre_lazar -hippocampal-subfields-T1").
The recon-all.log file states that the process finished without errors.
However, the hippoca
Dear freesurfer experts,
I constructed an annotation file using mris_label2annot. I did this several
times and every time it worked very well. I was able to use a ctab to define
several colors, load my annotation file into freeview, and look at it.
Now I tried to construct another annotation fil
Hi Nora
you need to send us the complete command line you ran and also the error
message and the complete terminal outpu
On Thu, 16 Jun 2016, Bittner, Nora wrote:
Dear freesurfer experts,
I constructed an annotation file using mris_label2annot. I did this several
times and
Hi FS Experts,
I'm trying to use the mni152reg command but I get an error that --lta is not
It appears that fslregister doesn't have this option. There was a previous post
about this
but I can't figure
I've also gotten this error recently, with T1, T2, and combined T1+T2
hippocampal segmentations. It looks like the files exist at
exist, they just don't have the ".ctf" file extension.
Thanks Matt. Did you somehow get it to work or recognize the file without the
ctf extension?
[] on behalf of Hibert, Matthew Louis
Computational Neuroscience Faculty
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
The University of Minnesota seeks 2 scientists with documented backgrounds and
interests in using brain imaging and computational neuroscience to understand
brain function in health and disease.
The University of
No, I just wanted to mention that in case it helps with troubleshooting what
went wrong with the new dev version build.
[] on behalf of Greenberg, Jonathan
Hello everyone,
I have a label for the left hemisphere for my subject but I don't
understand the syntax to apply mris_apply_reg on this label to obtain the
right hemisphere version.
mris_left_right_register was performed to get lh.sphere.left_right and
but I don't know how to
Hi Alexandre
try mri_label2label using the ?h.sphere.left_right
On Thu, 16 Jun 2016, Alexandre Routier wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have a label for the left hemisphere for my subject but I don't understand
the syntax to apply mris_apply_reg on this label to obtain the right
Has anyone else encountered this error message or knows how it can be solved?
Thank you
[] on behalf of Hibert, Matthew Louis
Hi all,
I am trying to extract mean time series BOLD data using FSFAST from Cortical
ROIs + sub cortical ROIs and cerebellum.
preproc-sess -s rest210 -fsd bold -surface fsaverage lhrh -mni305 -fwhm 6
-per-run -stc odd mri_segstats --annot fsaverage lh aparc --i
I have successfully processed data with FS v5.3 (linux/CentOS) using recon-all
Is it possible to make modifications to the 5.3-generated brainmask.mgz
(primarily dura removal) and wm.mgz files using a much older 4.4 version of FS
and then re-run recon-all on 5.3 with these modified files.
Hi Freesurfers,
I am having a similar problem with the FSGD file as the user indicated at
this thread:
I am trying to access the script that Doug wrote in order to fix it,
however, the link to download the script does not
Why would you want to do that?
From: on behalf of "Alexopoulos,
Reply-To: Freesurfer support list
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 4:06 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: [Freesurfer] modifying files on older versions of FS
I have successfully processed da
We haven't been able to get FS 5.3 (running on a linux server) output to
display on our Win 7 PC's using Xming or Exceed X11 emulators.
We get errors (below) on all our PCs. Appears to be related to low-end video
cards not-supporting openGL.
[sge-login1 ~]$ tksurfer
GLUT: Fatal Error in tksurfer
Freesurfer has an annotation file for Brodmann areas, which is
?h.PALS_B12_Brodmann.annot. This Brodmann parcellation doesn't seem to be
accurate in certain regions (e.g. in retrosplenial and perirhinal cortex).
Does anyone have an alternative Brodmann atlas that can be visualized in
wow, 4.4, that's pretty old. Not sure, I guess try it
On Thu, 16 Jun 2016,
Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:
I have successfully processed data with FS v5.3 (linux/CentOS) using
recon-all -all.
Is it possible to make modifications to the 5.3-generated brainmask.mgz
(primarily dura remov
Is there a way to get all coordinates (x,y,z) of the particular volume of
interest (e.g., left-insula, left-thalamus)?
Aziz Nanthaamornphong, Ph.D.,
Faculty of Technology and Environment
Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus
+66 7627 6716 (v)
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