Hi I am reposting a previous message about difficulty to install Bernal's
Linear Mixed Effects Models. I am in doubt if I should log in as a guest (I
assume so). Anyway I have tried this and I get a .dmg installation file that
seems to be corrupted as it does not allow me to install.
Any help wi
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have two question about my freesurfer results.
1. I performed recon-all analyses on my data and found all the data's maximal
value of cortical thickness is 5. Is there any standardization procedure in
the recon-all that normalize the maximum value to 5? In addition,
Yes, it does. However, I am able to start Freeview whiteout any argument from
matlab 2015b on Mac X 10.10.5.
If I use this commandsystem('freeview -f
/Applications/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white’); in matlab ferview
crash, but I use this command system(‘freeview’) I am able to start
sorry, I dont' think we have a binary for this, but it should be easy
enough in matlab with read_annotation
On Wed, 16 Sep 2015, xtong wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer experts,
> I would like to register my test subjects to fsaverage and extract WM
> surface parcellation info into ascii fi
Hi Feng
I'll answer 1. and leave 2 for someone else (Doug?). We have a hard limit
on the max thickness of 5 but no lower bound other than 0 of course. This
prevents large values due to surface inaccuracies.
On Wed, 16 Sep 2015, chenhf_uestc wrote:
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am trying to run glm-fit on a total of 36 subjects - there are 8
categorical variables (group, smoking, gender etc) and one continuous
I want to test group effect, regressing out all other variables.
There are (correct me if I am mistaken)
- 256 classes (2^8)
- 256 *(1+1)=512 reg
Please change the subject of your message to "Problem installing installing
Freesurfer on Mac ".
De: pablo najt
Para: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
Enviado: Miércoles 16 de septiembre de 2015 3:32
Asunto: [Freesurfer] FW: problem installing Bernal's Linear Mixed Effects
Dear Experts,
I tried to extract freesurfer cortical values for a ROI defined in a spm-vbm
analysis following the instructions
(https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/VolumeRoiCorticalThickness) and got
stuck at step 2. Please could you kindly assist?
[spjwker@nanlnx2 FSL]0% cd $SUBJECTS_
Hi, freesurfer developers.
In some cases, I found that the recon-all script stops after running
Here's an example of the recon-all.log in those cases:
For #2, that option won't do anything, but it probably needs to be there.
On 9/16/15 8:28 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Feng
I'll answer 1. and leave 2 for someone else (Doug?). We have a hard
limit on the max thickness of 5 but no lower bound other than 0 of
course. This prevents large values d
you don't have write permission to that folder. Get write permission or
put the reg file in a different place
On 9/16/15 9:45 AM, Lim, Lena wrote:
Dear Experts,
I tried to extract freesurfer cortical values for a ROI defined in a
spm-vbm analysis following the instructions
That is not going to work because you have way more regressors than you
have data points.
On 9/16/15 9:05 AM, Kallirroi Retzepi wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to run glm-fit on a total of 36 subjects - there are 8
> categorical variables (group, smoking, gender etc) and one continuous
> (age)
Dear Experts,
I need some help regarding saving the brain images in Freesurfer/Qdec please:
1) Can I save the brain regions shown in Qdec group analysis as other files and
view them in MRIcroN etc or does it only allow us to save the images as tiff
files (inflated medial, inflated lateral, pia
Hi Lena, QDEC does not have that much functionality, so you may have to
move to tksurfer or freeview. More answers below.
On 9/16/15 10:05 AM, Lim, Lena wrote:
Dear Experts,
I need some help regarding saving the brain images in Freesurfer/Qdec
1) Can I save the brain regions shown
Dear Jorge, I am testing 3 groups (HC, BD, relative) and want to apply your
model. Now I am in doubt if I would be able to use qdec? Or if this instead
will not be viable as I have 3 groups is not possible with qdec?ThanksPablo
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 13:44:36 +
From: jbernal0...@yahoo.es
not possible with qdec
On 09/16/2015 11:29 AM, pablo najt wrote:
> Dear Jorge, I am testing 3 groups (HC, BD, relative) and want to apply
> your model. Now I am in doubt if I would be able to use qdec? Or if
> this instead will not be viable as I have 3 groups is not possible
> with qdec?
> T
please remember to cc the list, thanks. Also remember to include
previous correspondence. 50 is still greater than 36 so that won't work.
You can probably get away with 4, maybe 6.
On 09/16/2015 11:53 AM, Retzepi, Kallirroi wrote:
> So I should:
> 1. keep in the FSGD file only the relevant cla
On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Douglas N Greve
> check out this page
> http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsAnat-to-NativeAnat
Freesurfer mailing list
it seems that it stopped after a cp, not after the
mris_remove_intersection call, no?
On Wed, 16 Sep 2015,
Nakyoung Kim wrote:
Hi, freesurfer developers.
In some cases, I found that the recon-all script stops after running
Here's an example of the recon-all.log in
give it the .img as input, not the .hdr. Note that using analyze is not
recommended though! It doesn't store direction cosines so you will never be
sure that there is no left/right flip unless you have a fiducial marker
like a vitamin E tablet
On Wed, 16 Sep 2015, A-reum Min
Hi Anastasia,
How the script "dmri_pathstats" compute the weighted FA, MD, AD, and RD values?
I checked the command "dmri_pathstats" inside the file "trac-all.log" but I was unable to figure out how this weighting is working. Is it by multiplying the mean DTI metrics by the number of voxel?
Dear freesurfer experts,
I want to concatenate *.xfm transformation from bbregister with *.mat from
flirt. For that I need to convert .xfm to .mat. Any idea how can that be done?
Freesurfer mailing list
note that bbregister does not output "xfm" files but either
tkregister-style .dat files and .lta files.
You can use lta_convert to convert to/from different formats. You can
convert the .dat file to an lta (or output an lta directly), and convert
the fsl to lta. Then use mri_concatenate_lta to
On 09/16/2015 08:26 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> sorry, I dont' think we have a binary for this, but it should be easy
> enough in matlab with read_annotation
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Wed, 16 Sep 2015, xtong wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfer experts,
>> I would like to register my test subjects to
Hi list,I'm performing one group and one covariate on resting state FAST
analysis.Here, I'm reporting the error.ThanksBest regards,
mri_glmfit --glmdir my-glm_age.wls --y y.mgh --nii.gz --fsgd file_age.fsgd --C
intercept_age.mtx —-C slope_age.mtx
gdfReadHeader: reading file_age.fsgd
Dear Freesurfer expert,
How could I read the .mgz file into Matlab, the online manual FAQ stated
Q. Can I load FreeSurfer output in Matlab?
A: If you write it as .mgz format then load_mgh (or MRIread) will read it.
In addition, in the MRIread function, it stated that
% mri = MRIread(fstring,head
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