A 3 year postdoctoral fellowship in Multimodal Imaging at NORMENT is currently
available. NORMENT is a Norwegian Centre of Excellence, and coordinates a
translational multicenter study involving all University hospitals in Oslo and
several groups at the Universities of Oslo and Bergen. The main
Hi Sabine,
Perhaps you can transform ?h.sphere and corresponding surface data
into a polar image in which you can try to find the local extrema.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear freesurfer expert,
I run an analysis in qdec as a "features selection" step for a following
Basically, I am interested in all the clusters "loosely" related to my variable
of interest. In the light of this, I am looking at uncorrected (for multiple
comparisons) clusters in my vol
I am currently performing an analysis of some fMRI data I've collected.
I've had a lot of trouble coregistering the functional images to my
high-res structural. SPMs automatic functions can't do it; I've tried
almost every possible option. I assume the problem is due to my rather
small functionals
We generally have 2 scans per subject, pre- and post-intervention. But the
subject I sent you data for and the list of fa values earlier in this
thread has 6 scans. The runs at 7500, 20k, and 50k samples used all 6
scans. To save time, I just ran 2 scans through the trac-all -path for the
100k run(
HI Kari,
whenever you change a statistical model, you get different results, as
you are 'asking' different questions. For example testing for factor A,
when regressing out Factor B is very different from testing A when
regressing out C.
Let's say A is weight and B is IQ, so you look for an wei
Hi Fabio
I think (I'mnot a dedicated statistician) you cannotconclude to any extent that
the cortical thickness in the two groupsis the same. You can only say that
there wasn't enough evidence ofdifferences between the two groups in terms of
your measurements.
I don't understandwhat you mean wi
Dear freesurfer experts,
I am having few questions about using freesurfer to finely (1000) parcel
cortical structures consistently through subjects.
Since I cannot do GCs atlas on my own, the main idea is running recon_all for
all of them and then register via mri_cvs_register all subjects to one
Hi Antonio
if you want the parcels to be in register you should use the sphere.reg
instead of the sphere file in mris_make_face_parcellation.
I'll leave the other questions for Doug:)
On Tue, 23 Jun 2015, Napolitano Antonio wrote:
Dear freesurfer experts,
I am having few questions ab
Hi Peggy - Thanks for clarifying. I'd like to see if things work
differently when you have 6 time points vs. 2 time points. In theory, it
should not. Could you please upload for me the full set of directories
from all time points and base template (all the tracula generated
directories from e
Hi Michael
what version are you using? I thought this was fixed long ago
On Tue, 16 Jun
2015, Michael Kranz wrote:
Hi guys,
I have created a custom surface label in the fsaverage template. I then used
mri_label2label to map onto an individual subject. Despite the fsaverage
Hi Antonio,
why not draw your labels on fsaverage, and then map them to each subject
(look at mri_surf2surf or mri_label2label, mri_segstats ). In my opinion
you don't need the do all the registration of volumes, you only work on
surfaces. Probably someone here can give you the exact commands
Hi Xixi,
Do you want to create a customized annotation file to load on a surface?
or do you want to load multiple labels with different colors?
On 06/16/2015 03:33 PM, Xixi Wang wrote:
Hi FreeSurfer users,
I’m trying to label different ROIs with corresponding decoding
I would be very interested on the data set (and exact command) you used
that exhibited a 25% speed up. Because our tests showed little to no
improvement in run time when using the -march=core-avx2 during compiling.
> Oh PS, AVX gives about 25% speed up compared to SSE. Would it be useful
Hi Bruce,
Not the same Michael but I see this all the time with 5.3.
Interestingly, transforming annotations using mri_surf2surf does not run
into the issue — perhaps that is what you're thinking of?
On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Bruce Fischl
> Hi Michael
> what vers
ok, thanks Michael, we will investigate
On Tue, 23 Jun 2015, Michael Waskom
Hi Bruce,
Not the same Michael but I see this all the time with 5.3.
Interestingly, transforming annotations using mri_surf2surf does not run
into the issue — perhaps that is what you're thinking of?
thanks for your help with this.
I gave this a try using the inverse of the vox2RAS affine from the LPS
inv_M2*(M1*v1) = v2
The results look as if the voxel CRS coords are a bit translated towards
the inferior.
This is most likely due to your second note. I don't think it converted
Hello Freesurfer expert
I got two errors when I registered bold image to patient's own T1 image and
registered T1 to mni152 and got transform data (reg.mni152. data) between bold
and mni152.
1) I typed tkregister2 --targ $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz --mov
template.nii.gz --reg
Hi list,I'd like to performed FS-FAST using a ROI as seed.Should I use
fcseed-config? Thus, what should I put instead of -segid?Thanks and regards.
Stefano ___
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi list,is it possible to put a constraint to FS-FAST analysis. More
specifically use as seed a subcortical region (e.g. thalamus) and a target
(e.g. frontal pole)?If yes which is the option in the command line?
Stefano ___
Freesurfer mailing list
We are having issues installing Freeview on Macbook pro (2015)
2.2 GHz, 16GB DDR3, OSX 10.9.4, Integrated 1.5 GB intel iris pro graphic
Installing lastest Freesurfer and Freeview downloads of Darwin lion v5.3.0.
After installing Freesurfer , license and environment setup, th
I did that, and run the command 3dvolreg.afni on Terminal to check.
The Error still remain: *3dvolreg.afni: error while loading shared
libraries: libXp.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32*
2015-06-23 10:39 GMT+07:00 Z K :
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