Dear FreeSurfer Experts,
Can any one please guide me how to get the XYZ coordinates information of
both left and right ROIs included in lh.aparc.a2009.thickness.stats.dat,
that have 74 ROIs (below), these ROI I got after Qdec in the state_table
With best
Hi there,
I have a couple of questions about the mri_glmfit-sim output files.
First, in the mc-z.whole.absolute.sig.cluster.summary file, is the "Max" a
z-score or t-score? I have seen it referred to as -log10pvalue, but is
there a place where I can find the z- or t-score?
Second, are the number
If I understand your question correctly, your saying you already have
fsl installed and have the fslswapdim binary. If this is the case, I
suppose it would be possible to copy the fslswapdim into the
FREESURFER_HOME/bin directory. But you would also have to append a
".bin" at the end.
This is
Dear colleagues,
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD position (3 years) in the
Department of Psychology at Durham University. The successful applicant
will work with Paige Scalf in the Centre for Vision and Visual Cognition
(CVVC) on the neural processes underlying vision, attention an
The reason this problem occurs is that there is no Unknown label in the
colortable, which causes mris_divide_parcellation to segfault. After
adding an Unknown label to the beginning of ColorTest.txt, these commands
completed as expected.
On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Victor Montal Blancafort wrote:
Hi Santosh
when you say " XYZ coordinates information", what coordinate system do
you mean? You can certainly load the surface (white or pial) and the annot
into matlab and get the surface ras coords that way.
On Thu, 19 Mar 2015, Santosh
Yadav wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer Experts,
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am a beginner in the neuroscience community and I am trying to convert a
MNI305 mask to a ICBM152/MNI152 mask. How can I do that? I have Freesurfer
downloaded and Guest Additions installed(don't know if i need FSL or how to get
it to work with FS), but when i try to
Hi there,
I have a couple questions regarding TRACULA results.
When I visualize the probability distributions of all white-matter pathways
simultaneously in some cases the tracts are very small, but by adjusting
the threshold I am able to visualize the tract in its entire (and expected)