Hi Martin,
Does that mean that one would expect to see reduced lgi (local gyrification
index) where this occurs?
Thank you!
Lars M. Rimol, PhD
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Martin Reuter
> Hi Lars
Dear all,
I found some interesting findings about gyrification and I would like to
test any related problem in structural connectivity.
My idea was to use the area where I found significant lower gyrification
in my sample to perform probabilistic tracking with FSL.
My question is: is there any way
Hi Angela
in tksurfer you can show the overlay, and use the "custom fill" button to
fill the area that is above threshold on the surface. Then save it as a
label and use mri_label2vol to write it into a volume. If the output volume
you give has the extension .nii.gz it will save it in nifti for
Thank you Bruce!
I have another question:
I would like to show the statistical maps of differences in gyrification
and those of cortical thickness. Is it possible with freeview?
I would also like to calculate the degree of overlapping between these two
maps (percentage of vertices or mm2). Is it p
First, create binary masks, something like (for a threshold of 2 = p < .01)
mri_binarize --i gyrification/sig.mgh --abs --min 2 --binval 1 --o
mri_binarize --i thickness/sig.mgh --abs --min 2 --binval 2 --o
fscalc gyrbin.mgh mul thickbin.mgh mul 3 -o gyr_and_thick_bin.
Sorry, the input should be area, not thickness, ie,
mri_segstats --i $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/lh.white.avg.area.mgh --seg
gyrbin.mgh --id 1 --sum gyrbin.sum
On 11/2/14 11:30 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:
> First, create binary masks, something like (for a threshold of 2 = p <
> .01)
> mri_bina
thank you so much
> Sorry, the input should be area, not thickness, ie,
> mri_segstats --i $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/lh.white.avg.area.mgh --seg
> gyrbin.mgh --id 1 --sum gyrbin.sum
> On 11/2/14 11:30 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:
>> First, create binary masks, something like (
Hi freesurfer experts,
I have two T1 images from the same subject acquired at the same time point.
One of the images is distortion corrected using a calibration phantom, put
through the full freesurfer pipeline and then extensively manually edited.
The uncorrected image has had zero processing. Wh
What format is the distortion field stored in? If you can get it into .m3z I
believe we have tools to do what you want
> On Nov 2, 2014, at 9:37 PM, David Grayson wrote:
> Hi freesurfer experts,
> I have two T1 images from the same subject acquired at the same time point.
> One of the