[Freesurfer] Looking for cortical thickness procedure

2014-03-10 Thread Saurabh Thakur
Hello freesurfer Expert, Steps for measuring cortical thickness are in tkmedit : 1. Intensity normalisation, 2. Registration to Talairach space, 3. Skull stripping, 4. Segmentation of white matter, 5. *Tesselation of the WM boundary, * 6. *Smoothing of the

[Freesurfer] vtk conversion

2014-03-10 Thread LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF
Hi all i am developping an application for neuronavigation, and i want to use freesurfer cortical parcellation and sub-cortical segmentation, is there any freesurfer command to convert surface files to vtk files ? Thanks ___ Freesurfer mailing

Re: [Freesurfer] Looking for cortical thickness procedure

2014-03-10 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Saurabh this is all done for you in recon-all (not tkmedit). Why not just run it? Bruce On Mon, 10 Mar 2014, Saurabh Thakur wrote: > Hello freesurfer Expert, > Steps for measuring cortical thickness are in tkmedit : > 1. > > Intensity normalisation, > > 2. > > Registration to Talai

Re: [Freesurfer] Group Analysis Age slopes

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
On 03/07/2014 07:46 PM, pfot...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote: > Hi Doug, > > Thanks for your reply. Yes there were areas of significant difference > reported in the age slopes maps, after the mri_glmfit command was run. > However, I haven't checked to see yet whether there are surviving clusters > af

Re: [Freesurfer] primary auditory cortex ROI

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
We do have a label for transversetemporal. What do you want to do with it? You can extract it out of ?h.aparc.annot or aparc+aseg.mgz, depending on what you want to do with it doug On 03/08/2014 06:48 AM, Ritobrato Datta wrote: > Hi All, > > I need to demarcate primary auditory cortex in a grou

Re: [Freesurfer] project locations from template to individual MRIs

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
Do you mean you want to display them in the MRI volume or on the surface (or both)? When you say that they are in "RAS coordinates", what do you mean? How are the coords defined? doug On 03/08/2014 07:26 AM, peng wrote: > Dear freesurfers, > >I have a set of dot locations (300~400) in a t

Re: [Freesurfer] version 5.3 bug fix

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
No, it was not a problem with negative thickness but an inaccuracy/inconsistency with the way the surfaces were computed. It is not something that is easy to notice (which is how it made it past our QA). I would re-run them. doug On 03/08/2014 11:21 PM, Gregory Kirk wrote: > In the release not

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
On 03/09/2014 09:12 AM, Xuelong Zhao wrote: > Hi Doug, > > To clarify my previous question: > > There is definitely some fuzziness when comparing with the mov, > whereas the target comparison looks very pristine. I was just > wondering if this is expected. The mov, as I scroll through the layers

Re: [Freesurfer] Group comparisons

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
On 03/09/2014 05:24 PM, Tudor Popescu wrote: > Hello, > > In addition to this last question, I'd also like to ask the following: > > 1) It's very hard to understand a group X gender interaction (age as > nuisance) on a graph that has age on the x axis, and with 4 regression > lines corresponding

[Freesurfer] primary auditory cortex ROI

2014-03-10 Thread Ritobrato Datta
Hi All, My email may have fallen through the cracks over the weekend so I am sending it again. I need to demarcate primary auditory cortex in a group of subjects anatomically and I came across the following papers - https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/ftp/articles/2013/2013_-_Wasserthal_et_al.

Re: [Freesurfer] primary auditory cortex ROI

2014-03-10 Thread Ritobrato Datta
Hi Doug, Wow, telepathy…Just resent my email and got this reply. THanks. I need to compute the surface area of primary auditory cortex so was looking for an approach similar to the Hinds V1 approach and came across two papers by your group. So if I can demarcate A1 based on myelination patterns

[Freesurfer] TRACULA preprocessing error, FreeSurfer 5.2.0

2014-03-10 Thread McGinnity, Colm
Dear Experts, I am very new to TRACULA, I apologise for what is probably a silly question. I've got the following error on running trac-all -prep (FreeSurfer 5.2.0): awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `0' for reading (No such file or directory) mri_concat --i /home/k1193186/FreeSurfer/T

[Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Jeff Eriksen
Our lab has a need to apply the Yeo atlas to individual brains. As I understand it, Yeo atlas is only currently available for the FSAverage brain. Any plans to incorporate Yeo on to the default FS segmentation, or have it available as an option? -Jeff Eriksen __

Re: [Freesurfer] project locations from template to individual MRIs

2014-03-10 Thread peng
Thanks Doug for your reply. In fact I need both. I do this mainly for computation (in volume); and display (in surface) is also cool. The dots (e.g. A1, A2, ..., An, ..., AN) were originally defined in volume of the template (icbm152). This can be implemented as an Nx3 matrix S, where S(n, :) = [n

Re: [Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jeff you should be able to use mri_label2label to map the Yeo atlas from fsaverage to any subject. cheers Bruce On Mon, 10 Mar 2014, Jeff Eriksen wrote: Our lab has a need to apply the Yeo atlas to individual brains. As I understand it, Yeo atlas is only currently available for the FSAve

Re: [Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Jeff Eriksen
What I need are the ?h.Yeo.annot files for the individual subjects, similar to the default ?h.aparc.annot and ?h.aparc.2009.annot files. Will mri_label2labe give me that directly? Thanks, -Jeff -Original Message- From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] Sent: Monday, Mar

Re: [Freesurfer] vtk conversion

2014-03-10 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi , mris_convert has some functionality for VTK output. Best, Martin On 03/10/2014 09:51 AM, LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF wrote: Hi all i am developping an application for neuronavigation, and i want to use freesurfer cortical parcellation and sub-cortical segmentation, is there any freesurf

Re: [Freesurfer] Brain Segmentation blurred at the interhemisphere surface

2014-03-10 Thread Louis Nicholas Vinke
Hi Kaiming, I'm almost certain you are right at the medial line and what you are seeing is the transition from one hemi to the other. Most likely the brain is slightly oblique and so the sagittal slice does not perfectly bisect the two hemispheres. -Louis On Mon, 10 Mar 2014, Kaiming Yin wrote

Re: [Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Thomas Yeo
Hi Jeff, I am a little unsure myself since I usually work with data mapped to fsaverage space. I think you might want to use mri_surf2surf, since there's a "--sval-annot" option. It's hard for me to check now because I am away at a conference. Can someone chime in if mri_surf2surf is wrong? Than

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA preprocessing error, FreeSurfer 5.2.0

2014-03-10 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Colm - Note that the information in the tutorial (particularly the part where gradient tables can be formatted in 3 rows or 3 columns) pertains to the latest tracula update: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Tracula#Updates You're using an older version that only supports th

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-10 Thread Xuelong Zhao
Regarding matlab: Currently, I have in freesurfer the surface extracted via recon-all. I also have the overlay from running mri_vol2surf on the ICA components. I would like to export the pial surface + overlay into matlab together as a single object. Is there a matlab script for this, or do I

Re: [Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Gregory Kirk
problem with surf2surf is it deals with scalar fields ( data ) so don't think that will do it. problem with label2label is that it deals with a single label which has a diferent structure than anot. so a way to do it 1. mri_annotation2label ... to convert the yeo anotation file to individual

Re: [Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas Greve
yes, that is the option. If you run it with --help, it will actually give you an example. doug On 3/10/14 7:23 PM, Thomas Yeo wrote: > Hi Jeff, > > I am a little unsure myself since I usually work with data mapped to > fsaverage space. I think you might want to use mri_surf2surf, since > there's

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-10 Thread Xuelong Zhao
Should also add that I can import the cortical surface into matlab without any issues using read_surf.m what I would like to have is the ICA overlay also imported into matlab as corresponding colors for each face on the cortical mesh. Thanks. From: andrewz...@live.com.au To: gr...@nmr.mgh.har

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas Greve
I don't know of anything that will do this (or what a single object would mean in this case). If you have the overlay in a volume format (eg, mgz), you can use MRIread.m. This gives you a value for each vertex, not face, so you'd have to write something to assign the value to a face. doug

[Freesurfer] Cortical thickness measuring algo

2014-03-10 Thread Saurabh Thakur
Hello Freesurfer, Laplacian based method for measuring Cortical thickness Can u anyone help me to understand how freesurfer has implemented this algo and where to find this algo for better understanding. Thanks, Saurabh Thakur, ___ Freesurfer mailing