I commented out the mni_template command and all went good, Thank you so
much for the help
2013/12/18 Anastasia Yendiki
> Ciao Francesco - The problem is that the pre-processing encountered an
> error, so parts of it didn't actually complete:
> Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open
Hi Stef, there are examples there with covariates. Can you follow those?
On 12/19/2013 05:56 PM, yashin7...@libero.it wrote:
> Hi experts,
> I'd like to find group difference (thickness) among 3 groups taking in account
> one covariate.
> I'd like to use DOSS. Is correct? I have read the guide
Hi all,
I want to know difference between vertex-wise and cluster-wise in
Groupanalysis. Can I just think vertex-wise are uncorrected P-value(which is
the same as voxel-wise value) and cluster-wise value are the vertex population
which are survived after a specific threshold correction?
Hi all,
I just study group analysis tutorial and I am confused with how to find
cluster-wise probability in CWP colume(i.e 0.2 in clusterno 1). Did I need
to process additinoally?
All the best.
Rujing Zha
School of Life Science
University of Science and Technology of C
yes, a second p-value is computed for the population (cluster) and
clusters are kept if their p-value is less than a certain threshold
(usually .05)
On 12/20/2013 11:11 AM, Rujing Zha wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to know difference between vertex-wise and cluster-wise in
> Groupanalysis. C
Dear All,
I have ubuntu 12.4, and downloaded/installed the dev (12/19/2013) version
of Freesurfer (I used previously version 5.1). Installation was uneventful,
including getting the return to command
> source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh
FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/fs5.3/freesurfer
I forgot to mention that I downloaded the
freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-dev version (again 12/19/2013), and that
other lib files, such as libjpeg.so files (related to install issues on
some ubuntu systems according to the release notes) are stored in
on my computer
I'm sorry, but my difficult is due to lacking of an example with three
levels/groups and one covariates.
I have found a lot of example in the guide but they are referred to two levels
with covariate or three levels is without covariates.
Please can you check these mtx?
3 classes 1 variable
Hi Rujing,
About tksurfer visualization, we had the same problem, it was because the
graphic card in the server, you cannot do anything about it (well, install
a different one).
If I remember correctly, you need a graphic card that supports OpenGL.
On Friday, December 20, 2013, Ruji