[Freesurfer] question mris_preproc

2013-02-20 Thread j janssen
Hi, freesurfer-x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-stable5-20110522 $Id: mris_preproc,v 1.66 2012/12/06 16:06:17 mreuter Exp $ after recon-all i ran recon-all -s $subject -qcache this generates lh.area.fsaverage.mgh which only contains values 0 and higher while negative values exist for the lh.area of the

[Freesurfer] re qdec

2013-02-20 Thread Linn Mittlestein
Dear Freesurfer experts, I have a question about qdec...as it is supposed to be doing whole brain cortical analyses, how come one first has to generate statistical tables, and chose thicknesses of different regions from these tables? Is this just an option, rather than being necessary for qdec?

[Freesurfer] unusually long running time in autorecon2

2013-02-20 Thread Dawei Liu
Dear Freesurfer experts, I am running autorecon2 using Freesurfer verion 5.1.0 on Linux. For some subjects, it looks that the pipeline stucked in the middle of mri_cc and keeps running for days (without any error message). Last time when it occurred I thought it may be caused by some hardware-r

Re: [Freesurfer] unusually long running time in autorecon2

2013-02-20 Thread Matt Glasser
I've noticed this at well when something goes wrong before mri_cc. It gets stuck in some kind of infinite loop. You might check that the linear and nonlinear registration worked correctly. Peace, Matt. From: Dawei Liu Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:49 AM To: Subject: [Freesurfer]

Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal processing

2013-02-20 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Linn, did you ever solve this? you need to specify a name for the base and the tp1id and tp2id are placeholders for the id's of the corresponding 2 cross sectional time points. Don't typ;e the '...' So for example: recon-all -base linn-base -tp linn1 -tp linn2 -all linn1 and linn2 shoul

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal processing error

2013-02-20 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Sabin, what was the recon-all command you used for this? Thanks, Martin On 02/05/2013 09:51 AM, Sabin Khadka wrote: Hi all, I am running longitudinal processing and it keeps on crashing with no error message whatsoever in middle of one or the other processing steps. I am not sure if this

Re: [Freesurfer] extracting hand drawn ROIs to Afni space

2013-02-20 Thread Paul Beach
Hi Ziad, Thank you so much for the suggestions. However, I'm not really sure how to utilize any of them...So I guess more detailed help would be necessary for me to follow these suggestions. Sorry. I've also never actually used SUMA. Previously I was just using a 3dcalc command to bring aseg ROIs

[Freesurfer] MRInormalize: could not find any valid peaks

2013-02-20 Thread Eli Fredman
Hi Bruce, After exhausting all of our options, Tali Swisher informed me that I should contact you. I have been trying to run freesurfer on a brain and have been running into a lot of problems. After first running: recon-all -i nifti-files/002-t1w-realign-masked.nii.gz -autorecon1 -noskullstrip

[Freesurfer] Virtual Machine Disk Image Space

2013-02-20 Thread Kristina Nalbandian
Hello, I recently posted on the FreeSurfer mailing list, but received no reply. The main problem I am having is due to my virtual machine disk image, there isn't enough space. The virtual machine allows me to store up to four patient files, but there are some processes on FreeSurfer that require

[Freesurfer] Postdoctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience and Reading Disability

2013-02-20 Thread Peter J. Molfese
Postdoctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience and Reading Disability Haskins Laboratories (PI: Dr. Julie A. Van Dyke), New Haven, CT Application deadline: April 15, 2013 Applications are solicited for a postdoctoral fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience at Haskins Laboratories. Applicants shou

Re: [Freesurfer] changes in tracula in the upcoming freesurfer release 5.2

2013-02-20 Thread Sarosh, Cyrus
Anastasia, We have a set of MR data and all have the recon-all processing done in FreeSurfer version 5.1. Will we be able to use the results from the recon-all FreeSurfer version 5.1 for the new TRACULA version 5.2 or will we have to run recon-all in version 5.2 to use TRACULA version 5.2? Tha

[Freesurfer] Registration & segmentation with FSL - obtaining correlation matrix..

2013-02-20 Thread Sudhin A. Shah
Hello I have run free surfer and co-registered with the rsfMRI via FSL (reg-feat2anat & aseg2feat) When I extract the values (as per the matlab code below), I see NaNs in certain regions. Of the 19 datasets that I have analyzed I have see NaNs for the following labels 10061033

[Freesurfer] Gray Matter probabilistic Segmentation

2013-02-20 Thread Vincent Koppelmans
Dear FreeSurfer experts, I have some experience with FSL and SPM, but not a lot with FreeSurfer, so please bear with me. When I observe FreeSurfer segmentations, I see that images are binary (either a voxel belongs to a tissue class, or it does not) and not probabilistic. I want to obtain tot

Re: [Freesurfer] changes in tracula in the upcoming freesurfer release 5.2

2013-02-20 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Cyrus - Great question! The only thing that tracula utilizes from the freesurfer recon is the aparc+aseg, and since I'm told that there have been no changes from 5.1 to 5.2 affecting how the aparc+aseg is generated, you'll be fine using either 5.1 or 5.2 freesurfer recons as input for the n

[Freesurfer] Help with the error info: mghRead subject/surf/lh.inflated.H, could not open file

2013-02-20 Thread Xiaowei Song
Dear Bruce and freesurfer experts, I am trying to use mri_average_subjects, but encountered the error: mghRead(/fullpath/surf/lh.inflated.H, -1): could not open file. . Then I tried mri_info subject/surf/lh.inflated.H , and it worked. But when I tried mri_info $(readlink -f subject/surf/lh.infla

Re: [Freesurfer] unusually long running time in autorecon2

2013-02-20 Thread Bruce Fischl
If someone can send us and example of this behavior I will fix it Cheers Bruce On Feb 20, 2013, at 12:23 PM, Matt Glasser wrote: > I've noticed this at well when something goes wrong before mri_cc. It gets > stuck in some kind of infinite loop. You might check that the linear and > nonlinear