[Freesurfer] Per-vertex regressors

2012-12-12 Thread Lars M. Rimol
Hi all, I want to use the --prv (per vertex regressors) option in mri_glmfit, but there is very little information in the Wiki and I couldn't find any relevant info in the mailing list. I have two .mgz files, one contains the dependent variable, the other is the source of my pvr. I tried loading

[Freesurfer] left/right WM vols

2012-12-12 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Dear FreeSurfer expertsI'm trying to study WM-lesions of my data. As I saw in previous messages to the forum and papers, it is contained in the aseg.mgz as the WM-hypointensities volume (label-ID 77), but it has only one value from the whole brain in the aseg.mgz, the left/right fields appear empty

[Freesurfer] Truncate positive values in tksurfer

2012-12-12 Thread Jürgen Hänggi
Dear FS experts How can I force tksurfer to truncate the positive values and not the negative ones? Thanks in advance Best regards Jürgen Jürgen Hänggi, Ph.D. Division Neuropsychology Institute of Psychology University

Re: [Freesurfer] Truncate positive values in tksurfer

2012-12-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jurgen I don't think you can - you'll need to do it in matlab or something cheers Bruce On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, Jürgen Hänggi wrote: Dear FS experts How can I force tksurfer to truncate the positive values and not the negative ones? Thanks in advance Best regards Jürgen --

[Freesurfer] issue about LME Matlab tools

2012-12-12 Thread ting xu
Dear all, A few questions come to me when I used LME Matlab toolbox. Then Jorge kindly answered my questions and he also asked me to post our discussion to Freesurfer list so everyone knows what's going on here :) Cheers, Ting --- *S

[Freesurfer] Import % crop

2012-12-12 Thread octavian lie
Dear All, Excuse the basic nature of these quetions. I coregistered 2 analyze volumes in SPM (pre and post resection MR scans for same patient) with cost function masking. I imported the preresection scan in Freesurfer, and processed it with recon -all. 1) What transform matrices should I multiply

[Freesurfer] Register marsbar nii to freesurfer fs average

2012-12-12 Thread Koolschijn , Cédric
Dear FS-experts, I'm trying to follow the instructions on http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/VolumeRoiCorticalThickness to get volumetric stats etc on a functional ROI derived from marsbar. The tutorial looks all clear to me, however, I have already problems at the first step. If I want

Re: [Freesurfer] issue about LME Matlab tools

2012-12-12 Thread jorge luis
Hi Ting Just use the default procedure. We limited the number of iterations for the estimation procedure to 20 for the mass-univariate analysis. If the model for the covariance is correct, that is to say, you have correctly specified the set of random effects that is supported by your data then t

Re: [Freesurfer] Truncate positive values in tksurfer

2012-12-12 Thread Douglas Greve
Under View->Configure->Overlay select both "Truncate" and "Inverse" under display options. doug On 12/12/12 8:19 AM, Jürgen Hänggi wrote: > Dear FS experts > > How can I force tksurfer to truncate the positive values and not the > negative ones? > > Thanks in advance > Best regards > Jürgen > >

Re: [Freesurfer] Chunks of missing WM

2012-12-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jon if you upload this subject we'll take a look Bruce On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, Jonathan Holt wrote: > I've had this happen a handful of times and I'm wondering what I can do about > it. For reference using Freesurfer 5.0.0. > > Edited a brain and ran "recon-all -autorecon2 -autorecon3 -s subj_

Re: [Freesurfer] Chunks of missing WM

2012-12-12 Thread Jonathan Holt
OK will do... I'll upload both versions, before and after recon-all ran. I am beginning to think it's an issue with the script that I am running... I'm looking at another brain and there are areas I did not touch at all where white matter voxels are being added or removed... On Dec 12, 2012, a

[Freesurfer] WM-hypointensities

2012-12-12 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Dear Freesurfers,I'm looking for a way to compute the left and right WM-hypointensities, as volume values or images. They always appear empty in the aseg.stats, and the corresponding segs No 78 & 79 do not appear in the aseg.mgz, and I'm a bit lost with it.Can any one help me?Best Regards,Gabriel.

Re: [Freesurfer] WM-hypointensities

2012-12-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Gabriel we don't lateralize them by default, so look for WM_hypointensities (77) instead. It would be pretty easy to lateralize them based on neighboring labels. cheers Bruce On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla wrote: > > Dear Freesurfers, > > I'm looking for a way to comput

[Freesurfer] clarifications about running bedpost instead of tracl-all step 2

2012-12-12 Thread s0675204
Hello, thank you for your help with the first steps of running Tracula. I was trying to run trac-all step 3 (paths), but was getting an error with the mergedph1samples file. I saw on the mailbase that you have suggested to run bedpost directly to fix this I have 3 questions about this: 1) do I

Re: [Freesurfer] WM-hypointensities

2012-12-12 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Yes I did loo at the total WH-hypointensities(77), and substract them without a problem.What do you mean with lateralize them based on neighboring labels? How can I perform such thing on FS?Actually I'm interested in knowing to wich specific label o region they are.Bests,GabrielEl 12/12/12, Bruce F

Re: [Freesurfer] clarifications about running bedpost instead of tracl-all step 2

2012-12-12 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
1) Can't hurt to delete. 2) Yes. 3) Yes. On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, s0675204 wrote: Hello, thank you for your help with the first steps of running Tracula. I was trying to run trac-all step 3 (paths), but was getting an error with the mergedph1samples file. I saw on the mailbase that you have sug

Re: [Freesurfer] Per-vertex regressors

2012-12-12 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Lars, the way it works is that each pvr that you spec on the cmd line indicates another column in the design matrix. If you want multiple columns then add multiple --pvr options (thus pvr1, pvr2, etc). If you do not spec an X matrix or fsgd file, then it will assume that you want a column of

Re: [Freesurfer] WM-hypointensities

2012-12-12 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Thanks bruce, for your answer,Does it exist a tool on FS or matlab to do such asignment of voxels from the WM-hypointensities (77) to the neighbouring labels?If so, does it can use whoever the aseg.mgz,the aparc+aseg or the wmparc.mgz to do this asignment?Thanks,GabrielEl 12/12/12, Bruce Fischl e

Re: [Freesurfer] WM-hypointensities

2012-12-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
then I would either use TRACULA (if you have DWI) or the wmparc to generate ROIs. I meant that you could count whether there are more lh or rh wm labels neighboring each one to figure out which hemi they are in cheers Bruce On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla wrote: Yes I did lo

Re: [Freesurfer] WM-hypointensities

2012-12-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
wmparc should do it I think, although we don't have any tools for doing so it wouldn't be very hard in matlab On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla wrote: Thanks bruce, for your answer, Does it exist a tool on FS or matlab to do such asignment of voxels from the WM-hypointensitie

[Freesurfer] Registering cortical surfaces

2012-12-12 Thread Patrice Koehl
Dear FreeSurfer experts, I apologize in advance if my questions seem naive or too simple: I am completely new to FreeSurfer and I am still attempting to understand how to make good use of its potential. I believe I want to use it in an unusual way. I have been given two cortical surfaces, both i