Hi Lars, the way it works is that each pvr that you spec on the cmd line 
indicates another column in the design matrix. If you want multiple 
columns then add multiple --pvr options (thus pvr1, pvr2, etc). If you 
do not spec an X matrix or fsgd file, then it will assume that you want 
a column of 1s at each vertex. You need to create contrast matrices that 
have enough columns to cover all the columns in the design matrix, both 
fixed/global and per-vertex.


On 12/12/2012 04:43 AM, Lars M. Rimol wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to use the --prv (per vertex regressors) option in mri_glmfit, 
> but there is very little information in the Wiki and I couldn't find 
> any relevant info in the mailing list.
> I have two .mgz files, one contains the dependent variable, the other 
> is the source of my pvr. I tried loading one column from the second 
> file and appending it to the design matrix in Matlab for each vertex 
> (in a loop), but it's too time consuming to be feasible. Someone 
> tipped me about the pvr option in mri_glmfit but from the Wiki (see 
> below) it seems I would have to load the regressors individually here 
> as well..?
> What is pvr1, pvr2 etc. in the example below? Text files? That's 
> either going to be one very long command line or I have to use a loop 
> here too (probably in Matlab). Is there any way to tell mri_glmfit. 
> "for each vertex in the dependent variable file, take the 
> corresponding vector from the pvr-file and append it to the design 
> matrix"?
> [from the WIki:]
> --pvr pvr1 <--prv pvr2 ...>
> Per-voxel (or vertex) regressors (PVR). Normally, the design matrix is 
> 'global', ie, the same matrix is used at each voxel. This option 
> allows the user to specify voxel-specific regressors to append to the 
> design matrix. Note: the contrast matrices must include columns for 
> these components.
> Thank you!
> -- 
> yours,
> Lars M. Rimol, PhD
> Division of Mental Health and Addiction
> Institute of Clinical Medicine
> University of Oslo
> P.O. Box 85 Vinderen,
> 0319 Oslo, Norway
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