Re: [Freesurfer] lh.ROI45.label and lh.ROI44.label overlapping

2012-08-07 Thread Garikoitz Lerma Usabiaga
Thanks Bruce and Doug! I can't find the lh.BA.annot in fsaverage/label folder (version 5.1): lh.BA6.labellh.aparc.a2005s.annot rh.BA44.label rh.PALS_B12_OrbitoFrontal.annot lh.MT.label lh

[Freesurfer] T1 space to DTI space

2012-08-07 Thread Trietsch, Rayna
Hi, I am trying to go from T1 space to DTI space using fsl_rigid_register to co-register the T1 image to the b0 image. fsl_rigd_register gives me a matrix outputted as a .fslmat file. If I multiple that matrix by a matrix of the coordinates of my head points from tkmedit than I should get the c

Re: [Freesurfer] contrast matrix

2012-08-07 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Meng, in the case of a 2x2 interaction, the F test has only 1 dof in the numerator. This makes it the same as an unsigned t-test. The interaction in intercept is just the interaction regressing out gender and age (the first row of your matrix). The interaction in slope is the 2x2xage interac

Re: [Freesurfer] tcsh: tailarach_avi: Command not found

2012-08-07 Thread Fidel Vila
Hi, I'm reposting this, hoping Nick has returned and can provide some guidance. Thanks, Fidel On 1-Aug-12, at 8:16 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote: > This is strange, it must be something that is specific to the PPC > Mac distribution. Nick is going to have to deal with this, but he > won't be