Thanks Bruce and Doug!
I can't find the lh.BA.annot in fsaverage/label folder (version 5.1):
rh.BA44.label rh.PALS_B12_OrbitoFrontal.annot
lh.MT.label lh
I am trying to go from T1 space to DTI space using fsl_rigid_register to
co-register the T1 image to the b0 image. fsl_rigd_register gives me a matrix
outputted as a .fslmat file. If I multiple that matrix by a matrix of the
coordinates of my head points from tkmedit than I should get the c
Hi Meng, in the case of a 2x2 interaction, the F test has only 1 dof in
the numerator. This makes it the same as an unsigned t-test. The
interaction in intercept is just the interaction regressing out gender
and age (the first row of your matrix). The interaction in slope is the
2x2xage interac
I'm reposting this, hoping Nick has returned and can provide some
On 1-Aug-12, at 8:16 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> This is strange, it must be something that is specific to the PPC
> Mac distribution. Nick is going to have to deal with this, but he
> won't be