Re: [Freesurfer] dmri_train malloc error

2011-07-22 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Kevin - This is unfortunately a problem with the macos freesurfer distribution, which is still built on leopard instead of snow leopard b/c of compatibility issues with some libraries unrelated to tracula. It's possible to compile tracula on snow leopard (in fact that's what I use) but you

[Freesurfer] dcm conversion

2011-07-22 Thread Antonella Kis
Dear Bruce, I am a little confused and I will be very grateful if you can make it a little more clear: So I start converting the dicom files from 3DAx_T1 (having the first file called series by running: mri_convert   2011042600464496394.dcm  

Re: [Freesurfer] dcm conversion

2011-07-22 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Antonella, no, you pick *one* file in each series (it doesn't matter which one, mri_convert will figure out the rest), and do something like: mri_convert 3DAx_T1.nii.gz the only one(s) FreeSurfer will use are the 3D T1-weighted scan

[Freesurfer] Error in qdec longitudinal 5.1

2011-07-22 Thread Natalia h
Dear list, I got an error after following the newer version of the longitudinal stream 5.1. long_mris_slopes worked without problems for my data which was longtudinally processed in 4.5. I also split the qdec.table to the cross for being able to be loaded in qdec GUI. Somehow I got the error th

[Freesurfer] PySurfer - A package for visualizing surfaces

2011-07-22 Thread Michael Waskom
Dear Freesurfers, We are pleased to announce the 0.1 release of PySurfer, a Python-based package for the visualization of surface data from Freesurfer. Please see our website at for information on how to install the package and a gallery of examples. We hope you'll fi

Re: [Freesurfer] PySurfer - A package for visualizing surfaces

2011-07-22 Thread Matt Glasser
Hi Michael, Out of curiosity, does this also support the GIFTI format? If so, one could use it to view surface data from a wide variety of software packages. Thanks, Matt. -Original Message- From: [] On

[Freesurfer] Converting from volume label RAS to Talairach

2011-07-22 Thread Jed Singer
I'm at my wits' end with what seems like it should be an easy question. I have a lot of volume labels that have been saved for a lot of brains. I want the Talairach coordinates corresponding to those points. It seems like mri_label2label should be able to do this, by putting in 'talairach' as th

Re: [Freesurfer] PySurfer - A package for visualizing surfaces

2011-07-22 Thread Michael Waskom
Hi Matt, In theory it could, as we use Nibabel for i/o and they support Gifti. However, I have no data in Gifti format at the moment to work with, so at the moment I would say we are Freesurfer specific. Best, Michael On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Matt Glasser wrote: > Hi Michael, > > Out of

Re: [Freesurfer] PySurfer - A package for visualizing surfaces

2011-07-22 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
hi mike, In theory it could, as we use Nibabel for i/o and they support Gifti. > However, I have no data in Gifti format at the moment to work with, so > at the moment I would say we are Freesurfer specific. > freesurfer does support giftis. mris_convert --combinesurfs fsaverage/surf/lh.inflated

[Freesurfer] Pre-processing issues

2011-07-22 Thread Antonella Kis
Dear Bruce, I have two more questions for today, please: 1). Just to be sure that  I understood correct: for my  cortical thickness studies and also for a group studies analysis I will use only the data from the 3DAx_T1series which was converted to a .nii.gz file. Is this right? 2). If I want

Re: [Freesurfer] Pre-processing issues

2011-07-22 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Antonella do you know what the type of acquisition is? That name isn't enough to know for sure, but it might be. And yes, you can run more than 1 recon at a time assuming you have enough ram on your machine. It won't go faster of course unless you have multiple cpus cheers Bruce On Fri,

Re: [Freesurfer] PySurfer - A package for visualizing surfaces

2011-07-22 Thread Michael Hanke
Hey, On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 02:06:41PM -0400, Michael Waskom wrote: > We are pleased to announce the 0.1 release of PySurfer, a Python-based > package for the visualization of surface data from Freesurfer. Please > see our website at for information on how > to instal

Re: [Freesurfer] Aseg and Cerebellum

2011-07-22 Thread Lugar, Heather
I have been working with Michael Murray on the problems we are having stripping/segmenting the cerebellum. We have tried various things, including a range of watershed parameters (1-10), gcut, as well as running these adjustments in succession (as you suggested below) with various combinations

Re: [Freesurfer] Converting from volume label RAS to Talairach

2011-07-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
You're so close! Use fsaverage as the target subject. The output coordinates will be in MNI305 space. doug Jed Singer wrote: > I'm at my wits' end with what seems like it should be an easy question. I > have a lot of volume labels that have been saved for a lot of brains. I want > the Talair

[Freesurfer] Fwd: questions about high resolution atlas on the Freesurfer

2011-07-22 Thread Jixin Liu
Dear FS experts, Freesurfer could provide for every participant a standardized partition of the cortex into 66 regional areas. My aim is to use freesurfer to subdivide these regional areas into a set of small and compact regions, resulting in high resolution atlas covering the entire cortex (t

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: questions about high resolution atlas on the Freesurfer

2011-07-22 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jixin, mris_make_face_parcellation uses an icosahedral sampling, so you cannot use it with an arbitrary annotation, and the parcels in it will not correspond to the brain regions in any of the annots but rather will cut across boundaries. You could certainly use matlab for example to compil

[Freesurfer] dmri_train malloc error

2011-07-22 Thread Dabbs (Kevin)
Freesurfer users, I have ran into a malloc error running trac-all. Looks like the same error that Stijn posted to the list on 17 Jun 2011. I did not see a solution posted. It occurs in dmr_train using trac-all -prep –c dmrirc.txt. Also tried using trac-all –prior –c dmrirc.txt with the sa