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Hieran si
Dear Freesurfers,Is there a FS command to display tessellation on inflated cortical surfaces? Something similar to the attached file.Thanks in advance.Best regards,Jose---Jose L. Cantero, Ph.D.Laboratory of Functional NeuroscienceDepartment of Physiology, Anatomy and Cell BiologyUniversity Pablo de
Hi Jose, you can just turn on the wireframe overlay. I think it is under
the View menu.
Jose Luis Cantero Lorente wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> Is there a FS command to display tessellation on inflated cortical
> surfaces? Something similar to the attached file.
> Thanks in advance.
1. is your installation 64b? is there a libXss.so in your /usr/lib64
2. was this run from scratch or rerun? if rerun, when was wm.mgz
created and by what release? if created by a 5.1beta release late march
to early april, it could have a bug responsible for this. if so, try
rerunning wit
Hi All:
I am trying to extract Volumes from the WMParc files into a txt file. Just
as you have the *asegstats2table* command for segmentation stats and the *
aparcstats2table* command for parcellation stats, is there a command you use
to extract data from the wmparc.stats file? I tried manipulatin
Hi Alan,
should work with asegstats2table:
asegstats2table --all-segs --subjects $ALL_TPN --segno $wmparcs \
-t table.wmparc.txt -d space --stats wmparc.stats
where $ALL_TPN contains all subjects and $wmpars the segmentation ids
Best, Martin
On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 12:44 -0400, Alan Francis wr
Dear Freesurfers,
I am trying to reduce the number of vertices to display with the wireframe
overlay on the inflated cortical surface. To this aim, I am using the following
command line:
mri_surf2surf --s Estudio_EHM_average --sval-xyz inflated --tval
Hi Jose, that won't do it. You need to create a surface with fewer
vertices. Try setting --trgicorder to 5 or 6 (your current value is
effectively 7). Run with --help to get a list of orders and their number
of vertices.
Jose Luis Cantero Lorente wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I am trying
I got freesurfer to run with this command:
mri_ca_register -align-after -nobigventricles -mask brainmask.mgz -T
how much RAM do you have on your machine? For some reason gzip needs tons
of it
On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, Vanessa Lim wrote:
> Hi,
> I got freesurfer to run with this command:
> mri_ca_register -align-after -nobigventricles -mask brainmask.mgz -T
> ~/Desktop/freeSurfer/CG/mri/transforms/talairach.
Dear Freesurfer Users
I am trying to use mri_convert to reorient a nifti file. The file is a
bold sequence, but for some reason, mri_convert is only outputting the
first volume. I get this error as well:
WARNING: niiRead(): unknown time units 0 in 2010_10_20_21_bold_gp2.nii
Any idea regard
Dear freesurfer experts,
I am having a problem in extracting ROI data using func2roi-sess, and any
help would be most appreciated. I wish to evaluate functional data in two
ROIs that I created using mri_cor2label (left and right amygdala). Here is
the command line:
func2roi-sess -roidef 54 -anal
Thanks so much for your input.
Could somebody please answer the second part of the question?
That is, ignoring the fact that the label looks a bit weird as it is, is the
overlay between the label and the volume okay, as seen in the second file I
attached in my first email? If not, any idea wha
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