Dear Freesurfers,

I am trying to reduce the number of vertices to display with the wireframe 
overlay on the inflated cortical surface. To this aim, I am using the following 
command line: 

mri_surf2surf --s Estudio_EHM_average --sval-xyz inflated --tval 
--tval-xyz --hemi lh --reshape --reshape-factor 7

But when I load the reshaped surface in Matlab it contains the same number of 
vertices as originally. Why the reshape command (factor 7) is not decreasing 
the number of vertices on cortical surfaces?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Jose L. Cantero, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Cell Biology
University Pablo de Olavide
Ctra. de Utrera, Km.1
41013 - Seville
- Spain -
Phone: +34 954 977433
Fax: +34 954 349151

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