Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all and CT/SPECT images‏

2011-03-31 Thread Marie ERESUE
Hi Bruce, I have anatomical MRI (MRI 3D T1) and I did recon-all on it. But when I want to register my CT (image1_CT.nii) with my MRI (using bbregister), I have an error. When I use my SPECT I have an error too... Do you have an example of line of command in order to see my faults? thanks

[Freesurfer] Hippocampal overinclusion

2011-03-31 Thread T.M. Overbeek
Dear Freesurfer users, Recently I started using freesurfer. My T1-scans are acquired at 1.5T with a resolution of 1x1x1.4 mm (sagittal). Now I have run into some problems with hippocampal segmentations. Freesurfer occasionally includes large parts of mostly inferior regions to the hippocampus seg

[Freesurfer] add subject to group but cannot find brain for 049

2011-03-31 Thread Knut J Bjuland
I have added a subject to the to the groups of subject that was available for the qdec tutorials. with this in mind I have used make_average_subject and I have now 41 subject. But when I run this command there is always a subject for which it can not find brain. I am positive that the necessary

Re: [Freesurfer] Baby's cortical ribbon?

2011-03-31 Thread Lilla Zollei
Hi Adam, No, Freesurfer is not able to extract the neonatal cortical ribbon and I am not aware of other automatic research tools that would be able to do that. Lilla > -- Forwarded message -- > Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:38:26 -0500 > From: "Eggebrecht, Adam" > To: "freesurfe

Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all and CT/SPECT images‏

2011-03-31 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Marie, you need to give us the information we need to help you. What error? What command line did you use? There are lots of examples on the wiki tutorials and in the help of how to run bbregister cheers Bruce On Thu, 31 Mar 2011, Marie ERESUE wrote: > > Hi Bruce, > > I have anatomical MR

Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal overinclusion

2011-03-31 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Thomas what version are you running? We don't usually see this anymore. If you tar and gzip the dataset and put it on our file drop I'll take a look Bruce On Thu, 31 Mar 2011, T.M. Overbeek wrote: > Dear Freesurfer users, > > Recently I started using freesurfer. > My T1-scans are acquired at

Re: [Freesurfer] add subject to group but cannot find brain for 049

2011-03-31 Thread Bruce Fischl
can you run ls -l to check that that file exists and you have permission to it? Also, we need the command line you ran and the error you got in order to help you. cheers Bruce On Thu, 31 Mar 2011, Knut J Bjuland wrote: > I have added a subject to the to the groups of subject that was > availabl

Re: [Freesurfer] Visualizing SPM Results on Template FreeSurfer Brain

2011-03-31 Thread Irene Altarelli
Dear Doug and Freesurfer experts, I have a question related to the previous post. I have two groups (patients and controls), for which I have both functional and T1 data. I'd like to look at differences in cortical thickness between the groups inside some clusters of functional activation. Would

Re: [Freesurfer] add subject to group but cannot find brain for 049

2011-03-31 Thread Knut J Bjuland
Hi I used the followinf commando line optin for make_average_subjects --fsgd gender_age.fsgd --out fsaverage. I have now used chmod -R +w * to add write permission to the dir below. As a matter of fate I ran make_average_subject --subjects 004 --out test and got the same error as before. Kn

Re: [Freesurfer] add subject to group but cannot find brain for 049

2011-03-31 Thread Bruce Fischl
and what is the error? On Thu, 31 Mar 2011, Knut J Bjuland wrote: > Hi > > I used the followinf commando line optin for make_average_subjects --fsgd > gender_age.fsgd --out fsaverage. I have now used chmod -R +w * to add write > permission to the dir below. As a matter of fate I ran make_average

Re: [Freesurfer] Baby's cortical ribbon?

2011-03-31 Thread Donna Dierker
I'm not, either, but I think some good brains are working on it (not mine). Jason Hill and Andy Knutsen developed a semi-automated method: On 03/31/2011 07:53 AM, Lilla Zollei wrote: > Hi Adam, > > No, Freesurfer is not able to extract the neonatal cortical ribb

[Freesurfer] A question about make_average_subject

2011-03-31 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi all: Recently, I have a question about some details of the function make_average_subject, which creates some average surfaces and volumes based on the specified subjects' files. And I'm wondering how it make an average one. In my opinion, every specified subject's volume and surface register to

Re: [Freesurfer] add subject to group but cannot find brain for 049

2011-03-31 Thread Knut J Bjuland
i used the following command to repeat a failure output. i used just one subject to get a fast output since my pc is just a core i5 box. make_average_subject --subjects 004 --out test INFO: extension is mgz ERROR: cannot find brain for 004 ERROR: make_average_volume It appears that the tutorials

Re: [Freesurfer] single subject versus a group map in qdec

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Emily, it is just performing a two "group" analysis, where one of your groups only has a single subject. There is nothing wrong with what you did, it all comes down to what conclusion you are trying to draw from it. I think it is ok for a case report. doug Emily Rogalski wrote: > Using q dec

Re: [Freesurfer] FW: interacciones

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > Dear Doug, > > I would like to be sure that I've understood the rules for the > following contrast in a 2x2x2 design with diagnosis (D1, D2), gender > (Male, Female) and handedness (Left, Right) as discrete factors. > > D1MaleLeft > D1MaleRight > D1FemaleLeft > D1Femal

Re: [Freesurfer] other interactions

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > Dear Doug, > > In the case of a 3x2 design the post hoc contrast for evaluating the > interaction effect would be as follows: > D1Male > D1Female > D2Male > D2Female > D3Male > D3Female > > ANOVA to test the effect of diagnosis (D1, D2, D3) only for males > [ 1 0 -

Re: [Freesurfer] isxconcat-sess question..

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Krishna, if you have a proper freesurfer analysis and registration to the anatomical, it should work fine. doug Krishna Srihasam wrote: > > Hi, > > Is there a way to use” isxconcat-sess” to average monkey fMRI data? > i.e. I have two groups of monkeys (say, test and control groups) and I >

Re: [Freesurfer] extracting segmented images with exact values for GM-WM-VL-CSF

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
You can use mri_binarize with the --match option. doug Alexander Lebedev wrote: > > *Dear FSL users and developers,* > > Please, forgive me for such questions - I am asking because I'm really > stuck with it... Would you be so kind to explain me how can I extract > segmented image with values

Re: [Freesurfer] RFX using custom registration to common space?

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Is this functional (FSFAST) data? Then you can use mri_vol2vol, something like: mri_vol2vol --mov fsfast.mni305.nii.gz \ --targ $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz \ --reg $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/mri.2mm/reg.2mm.mni152.dat --o output.nii.gz I don't know how the run the FSL

Re: [Freesurfer] Pial surface correction failure after adding control points

2011-03-31 Thread Allison Stevens
Hi Min, We've learned that -autorecon2-cp might not be doing what was intended. Try runing -autorecon2 and see if it fixes everything. Allison On Thu, 31 Mar 2011, Min Liu wrote: > Dear Freesurfer users, > > My first run of recon1&2 left some white and grey matter at temporal pole > region exclu

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal comparison of thickness data

2011-03-31 Thread Jonathan DuBois
Thanks Martin! I will look into why we are not getting a sphere.reg file. Everything else seems pretty straight forward, although it sounds like the processing will be a lot easier with FS 5.1. Do you know when we could expect that to be released? Best, Jonathan On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 1:39 PM,

Re: [Freesurfer] A question about make_average_subject

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Lijie, yes, for the volume averages that is the process (uses the linear 12 DOF registration to the MNI305). For surfaces, the average surfaces are created based on the non-linear surface transformation (not from the average volume). doug soft.join Huang wrote: > Hi all: > > Recently, I ha

Re: [Freesurfer] Interpreting results from Qdec

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Courtney, did you transfer the label to each individual subject using mri_label2label? A better way to replicate your qdec results is to run mri_segstats on the input data to qdec (y.mgh usually). Specify the label with "--slabel subject hemi yourlabel". Also specify "--avgwf subjectdata.txt

Re: [Freesurfer] Visualizing SPM Results on Template FreeSurfer Brain

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Irene, it's not the best way to do it, but it's probably good enough. A surface-based functional analysis would be better. doug Irene Altarelli wrote: > Dear Doug and Freesurfer experts, > > I have a question related to the previous post. I have two groups > (patients and controls), for which

Re: [Freesurfer] Visualizing SPM Results on Template FreeSurfer Brain

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Scott, no there is not another space I would recommend. The cortical surfaces across subjects don't line up at all with a 12DOF transform. If you look at your activation in the volume along with surface lines, you may see that your surfaces intersect some of the activation but not others. I

Re: [Freesurfer] add subject to group but cannot find brain for 049

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas N Greve
That is probably the case that 004 does not have all its files. Some of the files have been removed to make the distribution smaller. There may only be enough data to run the tutorial. doug Knut J Bjuland wrote: > i used the following command to repeat a failure output. i used just one > subjec

Re: [Freesurfer] A question about make_average_subject

2011-03-31 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Lijie, we have a default surface template that we use. When you create an average subject from a group, a template based on those subjects is created at the same time. This can be used as a registration target. doug On 3/31/11 9:03 PM, soft.join Huang wrote: Thanks for your reply, Douglas.

Re: [Freesurfer] A question about make_average_subject

2011-03-31 Thread soft.join Huang
Ah, I think I got the point. Thank you for your quick reply. :) Lijie Huang On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Douglas Greve wrote: > Hi Lijie, we have a default surface template that we use. When you create > an average subject from a group, a template based on those subjects is > created at the

Re: [Freesurfer] incorrect GM/WM surfaces

2011-03-31 Thread Daniel G Wakeman
Hi Mayuresh, I assume you are talking about the area in the posterior midline, where the pial surface seems to go 'squiggly'. You also seem to have a problem with the right hemisphere (left visually: I hate radiology ;)), where some dura seems incorrectly labeled as pial surface (although the g