Re: [Freesurfer] changing watershed threshold has no effect

2010-04-13 Thread Andreas Berger
on one group of subjects i ran "recon-all -all -clean -wsthresh n", which according to includes what "-clean-bm" does. on the other group i ran "recon-all -all -wshthresh n" after deleting everything and converting them from raw invol da

Re: [Freesurfer] changing watershed threshold has no effect

2010-04-13 Thread Allison Stevens
Thanks, Andreas. That clears it up. There was no attachment though. Can you send me the screenshots? -- On Tue, 13 Apr 2010, Andreas Berger wrote: > on one group of subjects i ran "recon-all -all -clean -wsthresh n", which > according to

[Freesurfer] mri_surf2vol

2010-04-13 Thread Jerald Zhao
Hi all, I'm a new user of freesurfer. It's a simple question. I want to convert ?h.smoothwm and ?h.smoothwm.nofix to .mgz as binary volume (foreground/background = 1/0). So I found mri_surf2vol command, but the command I used could be problem. > mri_surf2vol --template ./orig/001.mgz --volreg reg

Re: [Freesurfer] changing watershed threshold has no effect

2010-04-13 Thread Andreas Berger
thank you for replying, i reattached the screenshots. they were in my first mail but i think i broke the thread by replying to the wrong adress once, sorry. screenshot 1 is result of "recon-all -all", screenshot 2 is result of "recon-all -all -wsthresh 0". what's weird is that next to the left

Re: [Freesurfer] changing watershed threshold has no effect

2010-04-13 Thread Allison Stevens
Your surfaces look fine (at least in that slice). Why do you feel you need to strip away more skull? -- On Tue, 13 Apr 2010, Andreas Berger wrote: > thank you for replying, > > i reattached the screenshots. they were in my first mail but i think i broke > the thread by replying to the wrong a

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surf2vol

2010-04-13 Thread Bruce Fischl
try using mris_fill. cheers Bruce On Tue, 13 Apr 2010, Jerald Zhao wrote: > Hi all, > I'm a new user of freesurfer. > It's a simple question. > > I want to convert ?h.smoothwm and ?h.smoothwm.nofix to .mgz as binary volume > (foreground/background = 1/0). > So I found mri_surf2vol command, but th

[Freesurfer] Problem with tkmedit Edit Voxels Tool on Intel Mac

2010-04-13 Thread Ed Gronenschild
Hi, I post this message once again because I didn't get any reply. On an Intel Mac the "Edit Voxels Tool" in tkmedit does not work, contrary to a PPC Mac. This applies both to version v4.3.1 and v4.5.0. Ed ___ Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] volumetric version of fsaverage brain

2010-04-13 Thread Douglas N Greve
There's not a volume that the surface was created from, but there is a volume that more-or-less matches. Just look in $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/mri. You can use any of the volumes there. doug Ritobrato Datta wrote: > Hello All, > > Which is the volumetric version of the fsaverage bra

[Freesurfer] skull strip error

2010-04-13 Thread Dana W. Moore
Hi everyone, I am using freesurfer version 4.5.0, and have just gotten an error message that I have never received before.  The end of the recon-all script is pasted below.  what does this mean? #...@# Skull Stripping Mon Apr  5 15:06:52 EDT 2010 /home/fs01/kab2003/FS/133_S_0525/mri  mri_water

Re: [Freesurfer] skull strip error

2010-04-13 Thread Nick Schmansky
try adding -nowsgcaatlas to the end of the recon-all command. n. On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 18:59 +, Dana W. Moore wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I am using freesurfer version 4.5.0, and have just gotten an error > message that I have never received before. The end of the recon-all > script is pasted

[Freesurfer] Scale factor for spherical distance

2010-04-13 Thread Michael Waskom
Hi Bruce, I found some comments from your deep in the archive on converting distance measured on the sphere to distance on the folded surface: Is this still the case? And, will loading the ?h.area file in matlab and

Re: [Freesurfer] Scale factor for spherical distance

2010-04-13 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Mike, I think that's still correct, but it's been a long time since I messed with it. Bruce On Tue, 13 Apr 2010, Michael Waskom wrote: > Hi Bruce, > > I found some comments from your deep in the archive on converting > distance measured on the sphere to distance on the folded surface: > http

Re: [Freesurfer] Colortable in annotations

2010-04-13 Thread Dankner, Nathan (NIH/NIMH) [F]
Thanks, that should be helpful. Is there a way to use mris_anatomical_stats on the .annot file that the cluster correction creates within the qdec analysis folder, or do I need to map the annotation to a subject in order to use mris_anatomical_stats? If I try to run mris_anatomical_stats on th

[Freesurfer] Job Announcement - Research Assistant in Brain Imaging

2010-04-13 Thread Victoria Williams
Job Announcement: Research Assitant in Brain Imaging Boston, MA, USA Full time research assistant positions are available in structural and functional imaging of several clinical conditions including degenerative brain changes in individuals with neurological diseases, traumatic brain injury,

Re: [Freesurfer] Colortable in annotations

2010-04-13 Thread Nick Schmansky
i was going to have you link wm.mgz to T1.mgz as a hack to get mris_anatomical_stats to dump the colortable, but i see that mris_anatomical_stats complains about running against fsaverage. so rather than add a hack on a hack, i'll just update mris_info to dump the colortable of a .annot file.

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol: how to make the opposite direction?

2010-04-13 Thread John Gelburg
Thank you. I succeeded to convert it, but the label is completely incorrect. Actually, I can not understand how exactly it can work: when I make an opposite direction with mri_label2vol I pass the registrer.dat file; however, in mri_cor2label there is no such option. How then this transformation ca

Re: [Freesurfer] skull strip error

2010-04-13 Thread Dana W. Moore
Hi Nick, I should have mentioned that this actually was done with the -no-wsgcaatlas option. The results I sent you were obtained using that command. Thanks, Dana -Original Message- From: Nick Schmansky [] Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:09 PM To: Dana W

[Freesurfer] a question about mri_robust_template

2010-04-13 Thread Guang Zeng
Hi, there, I have a question about mri_robust_template, I have a binary brainmask for each time point, I'd like to create a binary norm_template.mgz using mri_robust_template command. Has mri_robust_template an option to do nearest interpolation ? Thanks! Guang

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_make_face_parcellation

2010-04-13 Thread Diana Wotruba
Hi Bruce Thank you for the quick answer. We already considered using mris_divide_parcellation. Unfortunately the result is a strip shaped parcellation scheme, which is not suitable for our aim. Therefore we would rather use mris_make_face_parcellation. Is there no other way to get the MNI C

[Freesurfer] Which way is better for mapping automatic segmentations

2010-04-13 Thread liang wang
Hi FSusers, I am engaging to map automatic segmentation image (eg. aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz) to raw functional space. According to the instructions from the FreeSurfer website, I found that there were two ways below to do it. However, the results from both methods are different and attached. Let me s