[Freesurfer] Retinotopy with FsFast

2010-03-23 Thread p....@fcdonders.ru.nl
Hello everyone, I used FsFast to do retinotopy analysis as described at https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsFastIndividualRetinotopyAnalysis I have data for both a clockwise and a counter-clockwise rotating wedge, and when I do retinotopy on these separately, it seems to work fine, but

[Freesurfer] gaussian and mean curvature error

2010-03-23 Thread Ana Catarino
Hello, I'm trying to do a gaussian curvature and mean curvature analysis using qdec but I get the following error message: Error in Analyze: Couldn't open file $SUBJECTS_DIR/AS1/surf/lh.white.K.fwhm10.avgsubject.mgh Can anyone help? Thank you, Ana Catarino __

[Freesurfer] Longitudinal processing edits

2010-03-23 Thread Pierson, Ronald K
I apologize if this has been covered before, but I wanted to make sure I understand the best way to edit at the appropriate times during the longitudinal stream. 1) Run recon-all -all on each scan 2) If needed, control points are chosen on the individual scans, and recon-all using

[Freesurfer] extract thickness values for vertex

2010-03-23 Thread Prapti Gautam
Dear FreeSurfers, Is there a way to extract thickness values for individual subjects for a vertex that are obtained after analyses with mri_glmfit? I have seen a script that does this with qdec - but most of the analyses I run are on mri_glmfit, so was wondering if the script on the user contri