[Freesurfer] ERROR: could not read header info from T1 or orig

2009-05-07 Thread anita di iasio
Hi, I have a problem: In the past Freesurfer runs and all go right. Now when I run tksurfer command, a error message appears: surfer: current subjects dir: models/buckner_data/tutorial_ subjs/group_analysis_tutorial/ surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root surfer: session root

Re: [Freesurfer] Help with skull strip

2009-05-07 Thread Drosos, Athena
Hi Sita, Thank you for your response. Our problem is that skull is being classified as grey matter, which affects our cortical thickness measures. We ended up doing manual edits to the brainmask volume for our subjects and rerunning autorecon2 with the wm flag. This has worked on some subjects

Re: [Freesurfer] Help with skull strip

2009-05-07 Thread Bruce Fischl
it is classified as GM in the aseg, or does the pial surface include it? If the former then it doesn't really matter, but if the pial grabs it you need to edit it. cheers, Bruce On Thu, 7 May 2009, Drosos, Athena wrote: Hi Sita, Thank you for your response. Our problem is that skull is b

[Freesurfer] mri_cc / aseg issue.

2009-05-07 Thread Jamie Hanson
Hi Freesurfer folks- I created a custom aseg atlas and now, I am running into some issues w/ recon-all. Here is part of my terminal output... --- cp aseg.auto.mgz aseg.mgz #-- #...@# CC Seg Wed May 6 20:40:19 CDT 2009 mri_cc -aseg aseg.auto.mgz -o aseg.aut

[Freesurfer] Re: Unexpected Long processing time

2009-05-07 Thread Wayne Su
I closely looked at the two scans having unexpected long processing time. Both them the ribbon.mgz covered not only brain but also outside the brain. One scan the lh.ribbon.mgz only covered a little bit of the cortex area. Is there any way to fix this issue? Thanks. Wayne On 05/05/09 9:48 AM, "

Re: [Freesurfer] Re: Unexpected Long processing time

2009-05-07 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Wayne, yes, the problem is that the surfaces are including some non-cortical regions, which makes the topology dramatically wrong, so the topology fixer takes forever. To fix it you have to figure out why they are connected and remove the correction (possibly by erasing voxels in the wm.mg

[Freesurfer] Can fieldsigns be added across sessions?

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Phillips
Hi all, I would like to add fieldsigns across multiple retinotopy sessions in the same subject, in order to get a metric of the reliability of the mapping. However, when I tried to do this in one subject, I found that fieldsigns from two sessions largely canceled one another out. This led to a di

[Freesurfer] localGI not recognised

2009-05-07 Thread Prapti Gautam
Dear all, I am trying to measure local Gyrification Index in my subjects and can't get started. I get the following error: Flag -localGI not recognised I have Matlab and its Image processing toolbox installed in my computer and am running freesurfer version 4.0.2. Do I have to have the