I closely looked at the two scans having unexpected long processing time.
Both them the ribbon.mgz covered not only brain but also outside the brain.
One scan the lh.ribbon.mgz only covered a little bit of the cortex area. Is
there any way to fix this issue?



On 05/05/09 9:48 AM, "Wayne Su" <w...@interchange.ubc.ca> wrote:

> I re-ran over 400 scans by using Freesurfer 4.3.0 on Mac OS 10.5.6. Well, I¹m
> very happy on the results. Anyway there are two issues I encountered:
> 1) I have 3 scans hanging on the last second step when creating the
> aparc+aseg.mgz by using mri_aparc2aseg (more precisely  is  the ³labeling
> slice² processing)  for over one week though it finally finished. The log is
> attached.
> 2) I have some scans reported ³mris_fix_topology failed! (euler number != 2)²
> so recon-all exited with errors. I didn¹t find there was any problem when I
> used the V4.0.5. I attached the log as ³recon-all2.log².
> Thanks.
> Wayne

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