[Freesurfer] How to project fMRI activity of entire depth of cortex on to surface

2009-03-05 Thread Wang, Xin
Hello, Freesurfer group, The mri_vol2surf only register the fMRI activity at a certain depth of cortex, as specisfied by -projecfrac, to the cortical surface. mri_surf2surf does the same thing. I want to identify any cortical region have activation during the task, therefore, I need to project

Re: [Freesurfer] How to project fMRI activity of entire depth of cortex on to surface

2009-03-05 Thread Douglas N Greve
Do any of the other --proj flags do what you need? Eg, --projfrac-max? See the --help doug Wang, Xin wrote: Hello, Freesurfer group, The mri_vol2surf only register the fMRI activity at a certain depth of cortex, as specisfied by -projecfrac, to the cortical surface. mri_surf2surf does the

RE: [Freesurfer] How to project fMRI activity of entire depth of cortex on to surface

2009-03-05 Thread Wang, Xin
Thank you, Dr. Greve. Does -projfrac-max 0 1 register the maximal P value cross entire depth of cortex to the vertex on the surface? Does -projfrac-avg 0 1 delta register the average P value cross entire depth of cortex to the vertex on the surface? Can I use these flags in mris_preproc o

Re: [Freesurfer] How to project fMRI activity of entire depth of cortex on to surface

2009-03-05 Thread Douglas N Greve
Wang, Xin wrote: Thank you, Dr. Greve. Does _-projfrac-max 0 1_ register the maximal P value cross entire depth of cortex to the vertex on the surface? yes Does _-projfrac-avg 0 1 delta_ register the average P value cross entire depth of cortex to the vertex on the surface? yes, but pro

[Freesurfer] Qdec Outputs - Looking For Statistical Maps To Overlay In SurfStat

2009-03-05 Thread Jennifer Bramen
Dear Freesurfer List I am trying to use SurfStat to create figures based on my qdec results. However, I cannot figure out what outputs form qdec are what, or what their iunits are. I cannot find a description of qdec's outputs on the Freesurfer Wiki. 1) I want to find the statistic overla

[Freesurfer] ROI label Error

2009-03-05 Thread Barnali Basu
HI I have an ROI from BrainVoyager (text file, attached) which I am trying to load in Freesurfer. I have edited the text file according to Freesurfer label format, still it shows error as ERROR: cannot find or read t.roi.label the Freesurfer label file with first 100 voxel coordinates is also at

Re: [Freesurfer] ROI label Error

2009-03-05 Thread Bruce Fischl
I think your problem is that the file was generated on windows and is a ctrl-m at the end of each line you need to get rid of. Try dos2unix (although I think you are missing a carriage return on one of the lines, so check it with emacs) On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Barnali Basu wrote: HI I have an R