Thank you, Dr. Greve. 
Does -projfrac-max 0 1 register the maximal P value cross entire depth of 
cortex to the vertex on the surface?
Does -projfrac-avg 0 1 delta register the average P value cross entire depth of 
cortex to the vertex on the surface? 
Can I use these flags in mris_preproc or mris_surf2surf during the 
surface-based group analysis?   


From: Douglas N Greve []
Sent: Thu 3/5/2009 11:25 AM
To: Wang, Xin
Cc: freesurfer
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] How to project fMRI activity of entire depth of 
cortex on to surface

Do any of the other --proj flags do what you need? Eg,  --projfrac-max?
See the --help


Wang, Xin wrote:
> Hello, Freesurfer group,
> The mri_vol2surf only register the fMRI activity at a certain depth of
> cortex, as specisfied by -projecfrac, to the cortical
> surface. mri_surf2surf does the same thing. I want to identify any
> cortical region have activation during the task, therefore, I need to
> project fMRI activity of entire depth of cortex onto surface. Some
> regions may have activity in different depth of cortex,  Ideally, the
> significent level of these regions reflect the peak of the activity
> cross entire depth or the sum of significense of entire depth.
> the --interp trilinear may do some toward my goal, but it elimit many
> activities compare to nearest.
> Thanks,
> Xin Wang
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