Re: [Freesurfer] Autorecon 1 y autorecon 2

2008-12-04 Thread Martin Kavec
Hi Kelly, the analysis of your subject is failing at the point of registration to the Talairach space. Since the status of the registration is FAILED, I would certainly check the result and follow instructions on how to proceed, as explained on the following web-page: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.har

[Freesurfer] vertex wise correction for multiple comparisons using permutation

2008-12-04 Thread Lúcia Garrido
Dear Freesurfers, I'd like to correct for multiple comparisons vertex-wise instead of cluster-wise. Is it possible to do this using permutation (and not FDR)? I've seen in an e-mail from last year that the values of maximum statistic stored in the CSD file could be used for this purpose, and I'd b

Re: [Freesurfer] Creating a file with discrete locations with Freesurfer

2008-12-04 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Andres, I'm not sure I understand. What discrete set of points are you talking about? A downsampling of the surface? If so, I think Matti (ccd) knows how to do this. cheers, Bruce On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Andres Felipe Salazar Gomez wrote: Good evening freesurfer list, I need to create a te

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all rerun

2008-12-04 Thread Michael Harms
Hello, A clarification about this (based on my understanding/reading of the recon-all code) to help avoid any potential confusion about how the - clean-bm flag operates more generally: If you rerun the skull stripping without the -clean-bm flag, recon-all will preserve any edits previously made

Re: [Freesurfer] Creating a file with discrete locations with Freesurfer

2008-12-04 Thread Andres Felipe Salazar Gomez
Thank you Bruce, I want to do source localization based not on the cortex surface sources but on discrete sources located in specific places in deeper structures (brainstem). I will contact Matti then. Thanks again, -- Andrés > Hi Andres, > > I'm not sure I understand. What discrete set of poi

[Freesurfer] missing information in volume headers

2008-12-04 Thread Jared Price
Dear freesurfer gurus, I noticed something unusual in some of our data today. When the command mri_info was run on some of the orig.mgz volumes the values listed for echo time and flip angle in some of the scans were 0.00, even though there was a listing for repetition time. What could have c

Re: [Freesurfer] missing information in volume headers

2008-12-04 Thread Doug Greve
It was likely converted thru an intermediate format that did not retain those values (eg, nifti or analyze) before being imported into freesurfer. Jared Price wrote: Dear freesurfer gurus, I noticed something unusual in some of our data today. When the command mri_info was run on some of the

Re: [Freesurfer] vertex wise correction for multiple comparisons using permutation

2008-12-04 Thread Doug Greve
Yes, the max stat is stored in the CSD, and it's purpose is to enable voxel-wise correction, but I've never gotten around to it (and this is the 1st request:). You might be able to program something in matlab pretty quickly. You can use FS's load_csd.m to load the CSD file, and MRIread() to l

Re: [Freesurfer] missing information in volume headers

2008-12-04 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jared, if you converted it from a format that doesn't store this info (e.g. analyze). It won't change anything in the standard stream though Bruce On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Jared Price wrote: Dear freesurfer gurus, I noticed something unusual in some of our data today. When the command mri_in

[Freesurfer] quick follow-up

2008-12-04 Thread Jared Price
Will missing header info affect the rebuild_gca_atlas script? I noticed it didn't like it if echo time, repetition time etc. didn't match. Also, I assume there is no difference, or minimal enough difference to ignore, in the 001.mgz file when converted from say nifti or straight from dicom.

Re: [Freesurfer] quick follow-up

2008-12-04 Thread Bruce Fischl
it should be fine, although you may have to insert the info to disable the sanity check On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Jared Price wrote: Will missing header info affect the rebuild_gca_atlas script? I noticed it didn't like it if echo time, repetition time etc. didn't match. Also, I assume there is no

[Freesurfer] stable3

2008-12-04 Thread jake
Hello! I was just wondering if there is anything going on with the stable3 environment, or any changes currently being tweaked. The reason is that I have a script for analysis that sometimes says "ispl failed" which usually resolves itself if I wait a day or two, but hasnt resolved as of yet. T

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_ca_normalize infinite loop

2008-12-04 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Mishkin if you put the subject on our site we'll take a look. cheers, Bruce On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote: Hi, I have one subject which seems to cause mri_ca_normalize to hang. I've checked and the registration to tal is okay, as is the brainmask. The subject in question do

[Freesurfer] a display problem

2008-12-04 Thread Zhang, Xiaochu (NIH/NIDA) [F]
Hi Freesurfer expert, I just started to use freesurfer. I tried to follow the instruction to learn how to use "tksurfer". However, when I type "tksurfer bert lh inflated". Only a very small part of brain was showed (see the attachement). I do not know the reason. Could you please do me a favor and

[Freesurfer] questions about region-wise analysis data

2008-12-04 Thread Siddharth Srivastava
Hi everyone, while the machine is busy crunching through our data set, i would like to prepare myself from the next step of the analysis, which is a region-wise analysis of the computed metrics by the freesurfer pipeline. Being a complete novice in the use of this software, i wou