Dear Doug Greve,
I have tried to use mri_surf2vol command, but the results obtained
aren't enough detailed. I have found a matlab code to open .mgz files
and so I'm working on the brain.finalsurfs.mgz file. Do you know if
there is a list explaining how the values of the points in this file are
Ok. I need of the entire gray matter discretized in small volumes (cubic
for example), because I must to identify every point of the gray matter
(surface and internal).
Pratically I want to have the coordinates of every points included in
this volume, and use them for my elaboration. At the begi
I hope this finds you well.
What is the difference between aparc+aseg.mgz and aparc.a2005s+aseg.mgz?
I tried to extract the label for 1180 but I get nothing from aparc+aseg.mgz.
I was wondering if the difference in these images affect what kind of label
I extract.
I think Douglas can answer better this but I think you can find some help
and in:
2008/10/6 Tommaso De Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Doug Greve,
> I have tried to use mri_surf2
one uses ?h.aparc.annot and one uses ?h.aparc.a2005s.annot. These are
two different parcellations.
Hwee Ling Lee wrote:
I hope this finds you well.
What is the difference between aparc+aseg.mgz and aparc.a2005s+aseg.mgz?
I tried to extract the label for 1180 but I get nothing
Hi Jenifer,
Below are some answers:
Quoting "Juranek, Jenifer " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
We've run LGI and have looked at the overlay.
1) Is there a txt-type file containing the actual LGI values as
computed across aggregates of vertices? Noticed that the recon-all.log
file does cont
I have some surfaces created by freesufer in 2006. Spherical registration
was not done at that time, which needs to be done. I ran recon-all with
-legacy, but it crashed due to disk space problems. Now it doesn't run
either with or without -legacy option. When -legacy is specified, it says
Does anyone know if FS will work smoothly on Fedora 6? The info on FSwiki
went up to core 5.
Freesurfer mailing list
hmm, Doug or Nick would be better at this, but try:
touch $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subjects/scripts/recon-all.status
then rerun the subject. Hopefully it will then recognize that it is a
legacy analysis.
On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, R D
I have some surfaces created by freesuf