I think Douglas can answer better this but I think you can find some help

and in:


2008/10/6 Tommaso De Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear Doug Greve,
> I have tried to use mri_surf2vol command, but the results obtained aren't
> enough detailed. I have found a matlab code to open .mgz files and so I'm
> working on the brain.finalsurfs.mgz file. Do you know if there is a list
> explaining how the values of the points in this file are associated to the
> regions of the head?
> Regards
> Tommaso De Marco
> Doug Greve wrote:
>> You can use mri_surf2vol to create a mask. Is that what you mean?
>> doug
>> On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Tommaso De Marco wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> I'm a freesurfer user beginner. I need to discretize the gray matter in a
>>> cubic mesh. I have extracted the $h.pial and $h.white surfaces, and I would
>>> know if it is possible in freesurfer to discretize the volume suttended by
>>> these surfaces. I have seen that there are some files called $h.volume; what
>>> kind of information is stored in these files? Is it possible to open them in
>>> a matlab environment or with tksurfer?
>>> Regards
>>> Tommaso De Marco
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Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira Junior
Diretor de Operações
Netfilter & SpeedComm Telecom
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