Dear FS experts
We would like to correlate the cortical thickness of a particular vertex or
the mean thickness of a region with the thickness of all other vertices in
one hemisphere. Therefore my question:
Is there any tool in FS yet that is able to do that?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Hello everybody,
It's some time ago that I did some group analyses for cortical thickness
and after glancing through the new documentation I believe (or hope)
that I still know how do do a group comparison (e.g. patients vs
I have, however, never tried analyses of groups at differen
Hi Juergen,
qdec will certainly do this on a parcel basis. I'll leave the correlation
map for Doug.
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Juergen Haenggi wrote:
Dear FS experts
We would like to correlate the cortical thickness of a particular vertex or
the mean thickness of a region with the t
>From looking at the log, this appears to be v3.0.2, which is an old
version. Is this the first time this has been used? That is, has this
version been used on other scans and it is just now failing on this one
(and the others in the set)? Can you get a more recent version? The
i wonder if there is a possibility to identify the recognized WM
hypointensities with tkmedit -
something like labeling the WM hypointensities.
Thanks for help,
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Thomas,
the aseg includes hypointensities, but there's only so much you can do
with only a T1-weighted image. We do have some beta versions that use a
PD/T2 dual each in addition to the T1 to label them.
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008,
Thomas Doering wrote:
i wonder if there is a pos
Dear FS experts
I tried to open QDEC but the following error occurred:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/X11R6/lib/libexpat.0.dylib
Referenced from:
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap
[Macintosh-3:/usr/X11R6/lib] juerge
Hello All,
To begin I'm running 4.0.1 on Mac OSX Tiger (Intel).
I'm having trouble with one subject in particular failing before
generating the or aseg.mgz. I don't see anything amiss in
the previously generated files and images, however, this subject has
extremely large ventricles,
I'm guessing you upgraded to Leopard. Whereas Tiger put libexpat
in /usr/X11R6/lib, Leopard has it in /usr/lib. So as a fix, try this:
cd /usr/X11R6/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libexpat.dylib libexpat.0.dylib
I can't guarantee that this will work though. A Leopard distribution of
Is correct the statement below?
FreeSurfer implementation of cortical surface-based analysis is distinct
from other surface-based algorithms and conventional volume based
morphometry with atlas mapping, as it does not necessarily depend on
smoothing or matching to an atlas.
Thanks in advance,
It just looks like an interpolation artifact and nothing to worry
about, though we usually only see that kind of thing when the slices
are thick. How thick are your slices?
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Hoppmann, Fee wrote:
Dear all,
I performed reconall -autorecon1 on a set of images derived from to
You can add the value you want as a continuous variable in an fsgd
file, then set up a contrast to test it.
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Juergen Haenggi wrote:
Dear FS experts
We would like to correlate the cortical thickness of a particular vertex or
the mean thickness of a region with the thickne
Hi Claus,
the easiest way to do a paired t test is to run mris_preproc with the
--paired-diff option. Make sure to specify time point 1 and 2 for each
subject sequentially. You can do a stat test on each individual with
only 2 time points.
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Claus Tempelmann wrote:
The -bigventricles flag is described in the recon-all -help output (in
v4.0.2, not sure about 401). You can try including it with the -
autorecon2 stage to see if it fixes the problem, although I wouldn't
expect mri_ca_register to segfault w/o it. Do you have at least 2GB
available for
One approach to do a direct thickness comparison, as was done for a
test-retest study described here:
There's a link on this page to the paper that was published.
That might be all you need. It is also possible to use mri_
Hi Pedro,
no, not quite. There are various atlases we use at different points, and
we impose smoothness constraints on the surfaces.
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Pedro
Paulo Oliveira Jr wrote:
Is correct the statement below?
FreeSurfer implementation of cortical surface-based analys
16 matches
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