Hello everybody,

It's some time ago that I did some group analyses for cortical thickness
and after glancing through the new documentation I believe (or hope)
that I still know how do do a group comparison (e.g. patients vs controls).

I have, however, never tried analyses of groups at different time points.
I assume this a quite obvious problem many people have been working with
and I will find more about when I really read the documentation but I hope
that somebody could hint me where to look. So, I have patients who have
been scanned a couple of years ago and, once again, just recently and I
want to do what you would expect:

1. Just look for an individual subject whether cortical thinning is
more prominent in some regions compared to others
2. Run paired tests for the cortical thickness where the pairs obviously
are the data sets of the same subject at different time points.

Most likely many people have done the very same thing with freesurfer,
so anybody willing to discuss the way to do it and potential pitfalls?

Thanks in advance


Claus Tempelmann       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clinic for Neurology II
MR department                   Tel.: +49-(0)391-6117183
OvG University Magdeburg              +49-(0)391-6117177
Leipziger Strasse 44
39120 Magdeburg                 Fax:  +49-(0)391-6117178

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