Can you load and examine the aseg.mgz, {lh.rh}.ribbon.mgz? How do they
look in that area?
Ryan Muetzel wrote:
Hi Doug,
The images are attached. Thanks again for your help!
On Dec 6 2007, Doug Greve wrote:
Can you send a pic?
Ryan Muetzel wrote:
We are running Freesurf
Did you check the registration?
anisha narula wrote:
I am carrying a retinotopy analysis and not getting good flattened images.
When I view the slices using the sliceview-sess -sf sessid -df sessdir
-analysis rtopy -c eccen -map h -slice h command, there is apparent
activation the reg
Hi Sergey,
In matlab you you can use read_annotation.m:
function [vertices, label, colortable] = read_annotation(filename)
% [vertices, label, colortable] = read_annotation(annotfilename.annot)
% vertices expected to be simply from 0 to number of vertices - 1;
% label is the vector of annotati
Please, help me to find out how to extract information I need. For each
vertex in the geometry of the cortical surface I want an additional
label that tells me which ROI this vertex belongs to. I extract all
geometrical information using:
in matlab.
This, however, doe
This was fixed in the most recent minor stable release.
Jason Webster wrote:
After upgrading our scanner software to VB15A, we began receiving the
following error from mri_convert when running unpacksdcmdir:
ERROR: incorreclty formatted version string syngo MR B15
found in dicom
Hi XJ,
if you specify -n 0 I think it will not run the nonlinear.
On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, XJ Kang
I am trying to register the spheres to the template. The current version
of mris_register may have some nonlinear local deformation of the gyral
and sulcal structure. Anyw
I am trying to register the spheres to the template. The current version
of mris_register may have some nonlinear local deformation of the gyral
and sulcal structure. Anyway I can specify the "rigid alignment" only? I
didn't find the option for linear alignment only after checking the
After upgrading our scanner software to VB15A, we began receiving the
following error from mri_convert when running unpacksdcmdir:
ERROR: incorreclty formatted version string syngo MR B15
found in dicom tag 18,1020 (len = 3 != 6)
Numaris Version: syngo MR B15 Maj = -1073750848, Min=-1073771
Hi Caroline,
can you replicate this problem? Does it always happen for this subject?
If so, please send me the data and I'll fix it.
On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Caroline
Chapman wrote:
Hi Bruce and all,
Thank you for your help. Bill Monaco emailed and let me know that this
happened to him
Hi Bruce and all,
Thank you for your help. Bill Monaco emailed and let me know that this
happened to him as well. He suggested running the '-autorecon2
-autorecon3' flags on this subject (as opposed to the 'recon-all -all'),
and this worked for me!
However, here is the end of the recon-all.
Dear fellow freesurfers,
using FreeSurfer 3.0.5 and 4.0.1, I can make fast_inorm.m (as called
by inorm) die, with otherwise innocently looking inputs. The syndrom
is that if my fist slice contains only one iunder voxel twf_under
(see 3.0.5's line 88 of fast_inorm.m) is initialised as scalar
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