I am trying to analyze retiontopy data using the indication found :
I first created the analysis with the comand :
mkanalysis-sess -a rtopy -TR 2.8 -designtype retinotopy -paradigm
rtopy.par -ncycles
But then w
Hello Bruce
We are also very interested in your hippocampal
surface smoothing tools.
Can you provide us with the beta version of your
I advance Thank you
--- Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Kim,
> we do have some tools for smoothing the hippocampal
> su
There is a freely available MATLAB codes for smoothing arbitrary
surface objects using spherical harmonics. It's a different technique.
But this technique will provide surface-to-surface alignment
automatically without additional computation. See
Hi Moo,
this application is a bit different as it's not a linear smoothing. The
idea is to get rid of anatomically unlikely shapes while preserving the
surface elsewhere.
On Mon, 19 Nov 2007, Moo K. Chung wrote:
There is a freely available MATLAB codes for smoothing arbitrary
I encountered an error with "selxavg-sess -sf sessid -df sessdir -analysis
loc-sm3". Looking through the archives I found that others had errors with
selxavg-sess but the errors don't seem to be exactly the same as mine.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to get this to wor
Hi Graham -
First off, your observation that the FI seems correlated with area is
completely correct. I'm not sure if you have the FS source code? Anyway,
looking at the relevant code in 'mrisurf.c', the
function pretty much computes the folding index
On Monday 19 November 2007 09:07, Graham wrote:
> 1. DVE's description of the FI calc, which it looks like FS implements
> (assuming FS's k calcs are faithful -- that code is hard to follow.)
Yep - that the code can be hard to follow. Still, you can assume that FS's k
calcs are faithful. But on d