Dear Bruce, dear Freesurfer users
Thanks a lot for the advice. But when using mri_concate in order to average
the volumes, there is the following error:
"Error: dimension mismatch" between the lh.volume files of the subjects.
We used following syntax:
[thickness, f] = read_curv('lh.thickness') ;
Hello all
I have made changes in the thickness values in some
regions of a left hemisfere of a subject surface after
mapped it onto the fsaverage sphere.
The changes were made to have areas close to these in
the left colum of the following table:
My area Freesurfer number of vertices
Hi Jorge,
the ?h.sphere is the metrically optimal surface, but after spherical
registration, the ?h.sphere.reg has a fair amount of metric distortion,
which is necessary to align folds
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, jorge luis wrote:
Hello all
I have made changes in the thickness value
Are the two subjects different surfaces? If so, then its likely they
have differing numbers of vertices. You can check using mris_info. You
can use mri_surf2surf to sample one subject onto another to achieve an
equivalent number of surface vertices. See mri_surf2surf --help.
Does the brainmask.mgz file look ok? Compare it to the brainmask.mgz
file included in the sample subject 'bert' included in the
freesurfer/subjects directory. Same for the aseg.mgz and brain.mgz
On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 12:34 -0400, Britni Crocker wrote:
> after autorecon2,
I have T1 images at 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8...Is there a high resolution
(0.5-0.8) standard brain that I can co-register my images to in place of
Freesurfer's? Also, does anyone know of a standard child/adolescent
brain that is in use?
Thanks in advance,
Rachel Marie Dick
Dear FreeSurfers,
I have two groups (patients vs. controls) whose data I'd like to compare
using intergroupavg-sess. Here's the problem: I ran identical analyses on
the two groups, but they were named differently (e.g., "control_analysis" vs
"patient_analysis"). Is there a way to run intergroup
Yes, your suggested fix to recon-all.makefile for the brain.mgz target
is correct, and the fix will appear in the next stable release.
Note that the recon-all makefile feature has a big shortcoming that has
kept me from announcing its usage publicly, and that is that it doesn't
account for
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