-- Forwarded message --
From: Rafael Huber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11.09.2007 09:19
Subject: Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Average Volume
To: Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hy Doug,
Thank you for your help. I tried to do it with your advice, but when i
runned "mri_concat --i SUBJECTS*/s
that type of pattern usually means you loaded the wrong hemisphere (e.g.
the lh.aparc.annot on the rh.inflated or visa versa)
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007,
Wang, Xin wrote:
the following error is reported when I run the tksurfer and load annotation. I
attach a image of parcellation.
Thank you.
Dear Freesurfer users
I computed ?.volume files by using several commands sent by Bruce. Instead
of using the save_mgh.m command, which not really worked because there was a
dimension mismatch later when using mri_concat, we used write_curv.m. I need
the number of faces in the surface to write
read_curv will return that also:
[thickness_vector, nfaces] = read_curv('lh.thickness') ;
I'm a bit worried that you have a dimension mismatch. That shouldn't
On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Juergen Haenggi,
Psychological Institute wrote:
Dear Freesurfer users
I computed ?.volume fi
Hello FreeSurfers-
At any point in the recon-all processing stream does a voxel by voxel
map of segmentation probability values get generated? If not, are that
at all obtainable through post-processing methods?
Jim Porter
Graduate Student
Clinical Science & Psychopathology Research
Hi Jim,
I haven't tried this in a long time, but when I was writing the aseg
stuff I implemented something in mri_ca_label to write out the
probabilities at each step of the ICM. Run mri_ca_label with "-write_probs
and it will write out
sprintf(output_fname, "%s03d.mgz", fname, iteration_