Fwd: Re: [Freesurfer] Average Volume

2007-09-11 Thread Rafael Huber
-- Forwarded message -- From: Rafael Huber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 11.09.2007 09:19 Subject: Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Average Volume To: Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hy Doug, Thank you for your help. I tried to do it with your advice, but when i runned "mri_concat --i SUBJECTS*/s

RE: [Freesurfer] parcellation problem

2007-09-11 Thread Bruce Fischl
that type of pattern usually means you loaded the wrong hemisphere (e.g. the lh.aparc.annot on the rh.inflated or visa versa) On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Wang, Xin wrote: the following error is reported when I run the tksurfer and load annotation. I attach a image of parcellation. Thank you. Xin

[Freesurfer] ?h.volume files

2007-09-11 Thread Juergen Haenggi, Psychological Institute
Dear Freesurfer users I computed ?.volume files by using several commands sent by Bruce. Instead of using the save_mgh.m command, which not really worked because there was a dimension mismatch later when using mri_concat, we used write_curv.m. I need the number of faces in the surface to write

Re: [Freesurfer] ?h.volume files

2007-09-11 Thread Bruce Fischl
read_curv will return that also: [thickness_vector, nfaces] = read_curv('lh.thickness') ; I'm a bit worried that you have a dimension mismatch. That shouldn't happen. Bruce On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Juergen Haenggi, Psychological Institute wrote: Dear Freesurfer users I computed ?.volume fi

[Freesurfer] Segmentation Probability Values

2007-09-11 Thread James N. Porter
Hello FreeSurfers- At any point in the recon-all processing stream does a voxel by voxel map of segmentation probability values get generated? If not, are that at all obtainable through post-processing methods? -- Jim Porter Graduate Student Clinical Science & Psychopathology Research Univers

Re: [Freesurfer] Segmentation Probability Values

2007-09-11 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jim, I haven't tried this in a long time, but when I was writing the aseg stuff I implemented something in mri_ca_label to write out the probabilities at each step of the ICM. Run mri_ca_label with "-write_probs " and it will write out sprintf(output_fname, "%s03d.mgz", fname, iteration_