I can unpack these without a problem locally. Nick is preparing a new
minor stable release in which these fixes will be present.
ps. If you just can't wait, you can get new versions of the following
(linux) binaries
Is this data on line here at the NMR center? Can you point me to it?
Dan Dillon wrote:
Dear FreeSurfers,
Our group has encountered an error while unpacking the first set of
data we acquired on Bay 2 since the upgrade. Here's our command line:
unpacksdcmdir -src 07120620/ -targ . -generic -
Dear FreeSurfers,
Our group has encountered an error while unpacking the first set of data we
acquired on Bay 2 since the upgrade. Here's our command line:
unpacksdcmdir -src 07120620/ -targ . -generic -scanonly SUBJ.out
We then modify the .out file from
1localizer ok 512 51