I can unpack these without a problem locally. Nick is preparing a new minor stable release in which these fixes will be present.


ps. If you just can't wait, you can get new versions of the following (linux) binaries




Dan Dillon wrote:

Dear FreeSurfers,

Our group has encountered an error while unpacking the first set of data we acquired on Bay 2 since the upgrade. Here's our command line:

unpacksdcmdir -src 07120620/ -targ . -generic -scanonly SUBJ.out

We then modify the .out file from

  1            localizer  ok  512 512   3   1 74858975
  2              AAScout  ok  128 128 128   2 74859004
  3        T1_MPRAGE_sag  ok  256 256 128   1 74856609
  4           gre_2d_2mm  ok  256 256  55   1 74855396
  5           gre_2d_2mm  ok  256 256  55   1 74852997
  6 field_mapping_2mmthickness  ok  128 128  35   2 74853893
  7 field_mapping_2mmthickness  ok  128 128  35   1 74851708
  8             ep2d_t1w  ok   64  64  35   1 74848994
  9 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74849554
 10 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74846612
 11 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74843672
 12 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74837495


8 ep2d_t1w bshort f
9 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
10 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
11 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
12 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f

and save as SUBJ.cfg

Next command line is: unpacksdcmdir -src 07120620/ -targ .. -cfg SUBJ.cfg -fsfast

We get this error when it encounters the first functional run:

Run 9 -----------------------------------------
Mon Dec 10 12:43:27 EST 2007
9 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
ERROR: mri_convert
child process exited abnormally

We've re-run the second unpack command after putting different functional runs (or even single functional runs) in the first position processed, and the same error message occurs each time. We've also tried the process on functional runs that do not have a z-shim (thought that might be causing trouble), but the error still comes up.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Dan Dillon (on behalf of Elena Goetz)


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