To create the surface, I have to define the corpus callosum and the pons as well. I have been suggested to get a talairach transform first, so I did:
(22970 is the subject folder)
$ talairach 22970
but I have received this message:
wpark% talairach 22970
registering 22970
mri_convert orig o
this is probably the problem(from log below):
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
mri_fill: could not find pons
No such file or directory
you need to define the pons as well.
you may want to first try to get a good talairach transform. have you run:
talairach 22970
then check to
Because I had problems finding automatically the corpus callosum cutting plane, I loaded the wm volume, click in the center of the corpus in coronal view, switch to sagittal plane and used the volume RAS coordinates (tailarach coord says "none"). then I ran this line:
recon-all -stage2 -c
Hi Wan,
Looks like it had difficulty automatically finding the corpus callosum
cutting plane, so you'll have to give it the coordinates manually. To do
Load the WM volume, and click in the dead center of the corpus callosum,
in coronal view. Then switch to a sagittal plane. You should
when i try to create the surface, i receive this message:
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill -lval 255 -rval 80 -ccmask -T 1 -L /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/tmp/ponscall.dat /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/wm /u